Chapter 4

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I woke up and tried to move but something was stopping me. I looked up and saw Dana's adorable face. Its so cute how he sleeps. Ok I can't help it I have fallen for this guy and I barely even know him. I just hope he feels the same.

When I moved to try and get out of his grasp he only held me tighter. I cuddled back up to his chest. Dana woke up and kissed my forehead. I looked up and smiled.

"Morning princess" he said. "good morning." I said tiredly. We began to just look deep into each other's eyes. I never noticed how perfect his eyes were. The beautiful dark chocolate brown. This moment was perfect. RING RING RING.

"Ugh really" he said as I giggled. He looked at who was calling. "I have to take this" he said sounding worried. I nodded and he walked out of the room.

I got up passing the kitchen where Dana was on the phone. "Vanessa can you meet me at the mall in thirty minutes? It's important, it's about us" 

My heart sank and I bolted upstairs and ran into my room flopping on the bed. After a few minutes I got up put on some black skinny jeans and a flowery tank top. After getting dressed I curled my hair and brushed my hair and went down stairs.

I was sitting on the couch when I heard the front door open. Dana walked through and sat next to me as I played GTA 5. "Where did you go" Gabe asked. 

"To the mall to see Vanessa"

 "Your still with her?" Dalton asked disgusted.

I knew he had a girlfriend there is no way he couldn't he was literally perfect. I was stupid to think he would fall for me.

"Not anymore" Dana said to Dalton happily. I looked at him and we both blushed. 

"Oooohhh someone has a crush" I heard Dalton say. I whipped my head towards him and blushed even more. I saw Cole behind Dalton giving Dana a death stare.

"How about we go get something to eat" Will suggested. We all nodded in agreement and went to the cars. I was walking next to Dana to go to his car when Cole pulled me into his car.

"Don't get involved with Dana!"

"Why not." 

"Because he messes around with girl's hearts and then ends up really hurting them. I don't want to see you get hurt again."

"Ok I'll try not to, but I can take care of myself Cole."

"Oh really is that why you came here in the first place because you can take care of yourself." he said.

Everything in me sunk down to my toes. Tears started welling up in my eyes. That hurt and was not necessary for him to say. I jumped out of the car and ran back inside and locked myself in my room. I started crying until I heard a knock on the door.

"Riley, I'm sorry I didn't mean it." he said trying to apologize. I didn't say anything or even move. I just waited until he walked away then I cried a little more. When I finished crying after like 5 minutes I went in the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I sat back down on my bed and went on Twitter.

@Rileysmith: it's hard to get over the past when you are constantly reminded of it!

I instantly got 'are you ok?' And 'feel better' from fans of IM5. Ever since I moved here I got more popular because the boys kept shouting me out to their fans. I put my phone down and turned the TV on so I could watch Once Upon a Time.

About half way into the show my phone buzzed. I looked at who it was and it was the group chat with the girls back home.
Lydia: hey Riley I just wanted to see how you were doing because I saw you tweet and it worried me!

Riley: hey girls yeah I'm better now! Cole just said something unnecessary about what happened but I know he didn't mean it he was just mad and he wasn't thinking but it still hurt.

Lydia: oh ok let me know how you are doing every once and a while please!!!

Riley: I will
After I texted them I called Joe to see if he wanted to hang out.
Joe: hey Riley! What's up?
Riley: hey I was wondering if you wanted to do something?
Joe: sure meet me at the park in an hour.
Riley: ok
After he texted me I took a 30 minute nap to kill time. before I fell asleep I started thinking about Dana.

'I wonder if he broke up with his girlfriend because of me? Would he do that? If not I wonder if what Cole said is true.' in mid thought drifted to sleep.

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