Thursday, December 24th

59 5 1

[A/N]: Yulissa is Ella and Cat's mom, just btw.(:


It was Christmas Eve, which means my Ella, Cat and their mom will be joining me, my mom and my sister for dinner tonight.

Right now, it was currently 5 and I had an hour to get dressed before we leave to the restaurant.

I dressed up in a button up and slacks, waiting for my mom and Sierra to finish getting ready.

When they finished, we left the house, making sure it was set.


Once we arrived, I had told the guy the name for reservations, which was my name, and he led us to a booth.

We waited a few minutes before ordering until they arrived.

My mom was the first to notice them coming in, so she stood up first and hugged Ella's mom.

We took our seats; Ella and I next to Cat while Sierra, my mom and their mom were next to each other.

Once everyone was seated, the conversations started. The food also arrived soon after.

"7 months and still strong, am I right, Cameron?" Ella's mom asks me, causing both of us to smile and Cat to smirk while she stirred her drink. I nodded and Ella was looking at our intertwined hands under the table. "Hopefully, you keep treating her right. You both look adorable and perfect for each other," my mom says, Ella's mom agreeing and Sierra was chuckling.

After that, our moms started catching up while Sierra and Cat were talking. Ella and I were silent, but we were enjoying it since we were holding hands. There was a smile plastered on both our faces while we ate.

I was busy eating and noticed that Ella was looking at me from the corner of my eye, which caused me to look at her.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked her, smiling and she shakes her head. "No, I'm just lucky so I'm admiring you and how handsome you are," she smiled as she said that and my smile grew wider.

"Well, I'm lucky too because you have the greatest personality, and let me add that you're absolutely breath-taking and I would never leave you for anything." I say and her cheeks turn crimson red.

She leans in to kiss me cheek softly before leaning her head on my shoulder. I smiled and saw our moms looking at us, smiling.

Sierra held up her phone, clearly taking a picture. Once the picture was snapped, she smiled at the picture and I asked her to send it to me.

We continued the rest of the dinner talking and enjoying the food.


Everyone else decided to leave ahead of us and stay over at our place for tonight while Ella and I stayed at theirs. They decided to give us some space and I was pretty glad.

We walked into her house and she turns on the light in the hallway, "So, what do you want to do?" She asks walking back to me, holding my hands and leaning in slightly, smiling. I smiled back and tried leaning closer to her but she kept moving back.

"Cam!" She squeals as I placed tiny kisses on her face. She was laughing and I smiled.

We were looking at each other for a while, her lips inches away from mine, before she pulled back and said, "I'll be right back. Just got to change into something comfortable," leaving me standing against one of the barstools.

I huffed and ran a hand through my hair, feeling frustrated.


I took a seat on the barstools, trying to calm myself, waiting for her.

She returned back downstairs minutes later in a light gray tank top that had a mustache on it with floral pajama shorts. I smiled as she walked towards me again and grabs my hand.

"What do you wanna watch?" I don't want to watch anything. I said to myself in my head, shrugging.

"There probably isn't anything good on tv," I say and she nods.

She plops down next to me on the couch, leaning her head on my shoulder.

We sat in silence for a while until she spoke up.

"I love you, Cam," a smile appeared on my face.

"I love you too, Ella."

Broken Promises (Book 2) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora