Monday, January 18th

32 4 0

For the rest of last week, I was trying not to make anything obvious.

It was pretty simple, because nothing much more terrible had happened.

But I'm pretty sure that they're starting to get suspicious.

Guilt was killing me. I don't want to hurt Ella at all.

Today, we were going to hang out again, but I had a feeling something was going to happen.

Hopefully not, though.

We were all going to head over to Ella's house today to hang out.

Everyone agreed that we'll just meet each other there.

The others were friends with Sophie, so I might as well... invite her over too..

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialled Sophie's number. It rang a few times until she finally answered.

"Cameron?" She asks when she picks up, "Yeah, that's me," I chuckled and grabbed a light blue sweater from a hanger in my closet.

"Why'd you call?" "Do you wanna go to Ella's house to hang out with the others?" I said, getting straight to the point.

There was silence until I heard her mumble the reply, "Sure thing, I guess.."

I smiled a little, "Okay.. Um, meet me outside," I said and I hear a 'mhm' on the other line before she hangs up.

I walked out the door and waited by the sidewalk for Sophie.

After a few minutes, she shows up in a pair of jeans, an oversized hoodie, converse and her hair was in a high ponytail.

She looked cute..

No. Cameron, stop.

I nodded and smiled at her, as we walked towards Ella's house.

Sophie was being sort of distant and I was hoping it wasn't because of what I was thinking.

"Sophie I'm so sorry if you're upset, okay? But, I don't want to hurt Ella at all," I say and she looks down as we walked, sighing in defeat.

"Yeah.. I understand.." she says quietly. I decided to leave it at that.


I knocked on Ella's door and Cat comes in sight.

"Hey Cam, hey Sophie," she says with a wide smile on her face. "Hey Cat," I said, hugging her.

"Why are you so dressed up?" I asked as cat and I entered. She shrugs, "I'm just going to go get some drinks at the store," she says and adds, "And, Cam, I wouldn't call wearing a long sleeved shirt with some pajamas 'dressed up'," I laugh and she exits the house. Ella walks towards me, kissing me on the cheek.

She greeted Sophie with a polite smile and suddenly, guilt rushes through me.

"Do you guys want anything?" Ella asks and I shake my head, "Um, c-can I have some wat-ter?" Sophie quietly asks, stuttering, her right hand was on her throat.

Ella smiles again and nods, "Sure thing, just go sit down in the living room, get comfortable."

Sophie nods slowly and looks at me with a nervous look.

I give her a small, reassuring smile and nod at her. She walks over to the couch and I follow her from behind.

We sat in silence as we waited for Ella. Sophie seemed like she was getting slightly uncomfortable.

The others arrived a few minutes later, and the once quiet house was now filled with laughter and most of all, screams, because Cat would be yelling all day long and sometimes, we would yell back. Yeah, it got annoying at times, but she knew her limits.

Sophie was still really quiet, looking down at her lap. I could tell she was getting way too uncomfortable.

Instead of helping her, I nudged Lauren's arm and looked over at Sophie. She looked back at me with a small smile, but nervousness was clear in her eyes.

Lauren helped Sophie and kept her company for a little while, until Ella called Lauren over to the kitchen.

I noticed Sophie was getting a little more comfortable with us, and that was really good.

After a while, she got comfortable around everyone else and started joining the conversations and a smile was on her face most of the time..


It was time to leave and Ella was already passed out in her room, so Cat was the only one downstairs with us.

She was saying goodbye to all of us, and I was last out the door.

"I hope nothing is going on between you and Sophie, Cam." she says, gripping my arm. I huffed, "Cat I swear, nothing is going on between us. We're just friends!" I said and she looked at me with some sort of bitch face and nods.

She let go of my arm and said bye. I walked away from the door and started walking over to Sophie, since she was waiting.

I turned back around and saw that Cat had closed the door.

We walked to her house and I stood at the sidewalk. She walked inside her house and waved to me before closing the door.

I walked back to my house slowly so I could think.

Hopefully, I don't lose control with Sophie. I don't want to do anything else that could possibly hurt Ella. But then, Sophie would get hurt as well..

What am I going to do?

Broken Promises (Book 2) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora