Friday, January 1st (Continued)

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(SUPER QUICK NOTE! The picture of Ariana Grande is there for a reason!)

When I dropped off Cat, I didn't know what else to do for the rest of the day except take a short walk around the neighborhood.

Then, I thought, maybe I could introduce myself to the new family down the street.

I grabbed my phone and the house keys before leaving and walking toward where their house was at.

Even though I knew the houses in this neighborhood were big and luxurious, it still surprises me whenever I pass by them.

I was getting closer to the front of the house and started walking slowly towards it, starting to hesitate.

The lights in the house were on, and I knew someone was home.

My heart suddenly was racing because I was really nervous. I huffed and shook my head, walking up the pathway to the door and ringing the doorbell.

It took a few moments until I heard a girl's voice from inside yell out, "Give me a minute!"

I cleared my throat quietly and put my hands in my pockets, looking down, until the door opened, causing me to look up.

In front of me was a girl who I had seen carrying a box inside the house.

She was wearing a fuzzy white sweater and a black shirt with white collars underneath and a black skirt. Her hair was in a high ponytail with a light pink bow on it. I smiled politely and held my hand out, "Hey there, my name's Cameron. I just wanted to stop by and welcome you to the neighborhood. You'll love it here," I said and she smiled as well, showing her dimples.

"Thank you, it means a lot, Cameron." She says and holds out her hand, shaking mine.

"My name is Sophie, by the way," she adds and I nodded.

She seemed really nice and I hope I could have her and the others meet soon.

I noticed that she was eyeing me carefully from the corner of my eye, "Well, I should probably get going. If you wanna talk or anything, my house is just 2 houses down," I said and she nodded, smiling again.

"Alright, I'll see you around?" She says and I nod. She closed the door and I walked away from her house, and back to mine.


Okay, this chapter was quite short but ya know, things are going to plan and I'm so happy about that :3 Hope you like the story so far c: x

Broken Promises (Book 2) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora