Thursday, December 31st

30 6 1

New Year's Eve was one of the greatest times of the year, in my opinion.

Especially if it's with people you love and care about.

The others and I had made a plan about coming over for today a few days ago, everything was planned out and arranged.

I was currently getting changed into some jeans and a t-shirt with vans.

Once I got ready, I walked outside to get air, because the house was pretty warm. I noticed there were people moving into the house down the street, where the Jensen's used to live.

My hands were in my pockets and I looked over there, watching as a girl who looked about my age carry a box into her house, laughing.

I was looking over there for a while that I didn't notice the others arrive, "Cam!" Lauren yells as her and the others walk up to me. I turned my attention over to them, "You're here!" I said, smiling widely. I hugged Ella and we headed inside to have fun for the rest of the night.

Everyone was in the house, doing what they were doing while there was music playing. Today was like one of the usual hangout days.

I walked into the kitchen to get another drink and went outside, seeing Ella seated on the ground. My lips curved into a smile as I walked over to where she was, sitting next to her with my right arm around her.

"You okay?" I asked, pulling her into a hug and she smiles, "I'm doing fine. It's just crazy how we made it this far and I don't know why," she says, shrugging slightly and I nod, "Yeah, it is crazy. But obviously a good kind of crazy, right?" She looks at my lips then at my eyes with a smile, nodding, "Definitely."

I leaned down and kissed her, causing her to laugh a little.

We stayed outside for a while, talking about random stuff and not making sense a few times.


Ella and I were now inside the house, sitting on the couch with Aaron, Lauren, Connor, Omar and Cat, watching Jasmine and Jack argue playfully. It was quite entertaining because they'd have clever comebacks and it would result with the house exploding with loud "ooooooh!"'s and "God damn!"'s.

There was a few minutes until 12 midnight so we waited while watching TV, on a channel that'll help us keep count, with music still playing in the house, but the volume was a little low.

By now, everyone was seated, waiting for the countdown. Laughter also filled the room as we all waited.

The guy on TV was commentating the time left and there was about 3 minutes until midnight. I was excited because another year of living, and hopefully with Ella, for the rest of my life.

"We'll start counting down in..... 20 seconds, folks!" The man on tv says excitedly.

Everyone was talking again until the man started counting from 10.

We counted down along with him, and when we reached one, all of us screamed loudly in happiness and excitement.

I pulled Ella towards me with her face cupped in my hands, kissing her quickly. Everyone hugged each other, and, of course, the guys kissed their girlfriend.

One of the best feelings ever was knowing everyone around you was happy, whether they're someone you care about or not.

That was me right now...


Everyone else decided to stay over for a little while longer, until figuring it was time to leave.

They all piled out the door, except Ella and Cat, and we said our goodbyes.

I closed the door and Ella sat by Cat, who was passed out on the couch, clearly out of it, and looked at me with a smile. "Looks like Cat had too much fun," she whispers and I nod, "Well, I mean yeah, she had, like, 2 cans of soda and some candy. She was hyper the entire time," I replied with a soft chuckle.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get a blanket and 2 pillows for her, hold on," I said walking up the stairs and towards the guest room we had. Ella decided that she and her sister would just stay here for today, because none of us would want to wake Cat. She looked like she was in a deep sleep.

I grabbed the two pillows on the bed and a blanket that was in the closet. I closed the bedroom door and walked back downstairs to see Ella looking at the TV with her eyes squinted slightly, causing me to smile.

"El, babe, you should head upstairs now and get some rest." I said and she looks at me sleepily. She looked so cute when she's tired.

She nodded and slowly got up from where she was seated, lazily walking up the stairs. I carefully lifted Cat's head, putting the pillows under head and laying the blanket out on her.

Once I successfully, and peacefully, did so, I turned off the TV and lights, walking up the steps, and into my room.

When I entered, I saw Ella laying down on my bed, the blankets covering her.

My lips curved into a slight smile as I walked over to my dresser to find something comfortable to wear. There was a pair of jeans on top of my dresser and I noticed they were Ella's.

I looked over to the bed again and she shifted around. I left her jeans on my computer table so she'd know where it is when she wakes up.

I quietly, and quickly, got changed and climbed into bed, laying next to Ella. Her back was facing me, so I wrapped my arms around her.

Before I could fall asleep, a small smile curved onto my lips.

"Let's head for 5 months, baby." I whispered before closing my eyes..

Broken Promises (Book 2) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora