Wednesday, December 23rd

58 6 1

Cam's P.O.V

Ella and I were 7 months together in a few days and I couldn't be happier because she's now in my life, but as someone I can love.

Christmas was also in 2 days, and I wanted to get her something, even something simple, but I decided to just give her the gift she wanted for so long when we're officially 7 months.

For the past months that we've been together, things have been going great between the two of us.

I was outside my house, laying on the driveway with my phone on my lap, listening to music. The sky was cloudy and it was windy. It was calming and I felt like I was about to fall asleep, so I got up and walked inside. I closed the front door, locking it before walking up the steps and into my room.

My phone rang and echoed throughout the house which startled me a little since it was really quiet.

I checked the called ID and it was Jack, "Hey, man! Do you wanna hang out with the guys and I?" he asked and I smiled, "Sure thing. Will the girls be there?" I asked, sitting on my bed and I heard a playful scream in the other line, "Yeah, but they'll be doing their own thing probably upstairs. I just figured we should have some guy time, y'know?" He says and I heard him yell something out.

"Alright, sure. I'll come over in a bit," I say and we hang up.

My sweats were fine, so I decided to just change my shirt to a white v-neck and a black hoodie.

When I finished getting ready, I grabbed my keys, phone and wallet then headed off to Jack's house.


The guys and I were at Jack and Jas' house in the backyard, while the girls were in the living room, doing whatever they were doing.

"So, things are going great between you and El, am I right?" Connor asks me, his elbow on his leg as he smirks at me slightly. I look down and smile, "Most definitely."

"How about you and Jasmine, Connor?" I asked him, smirking. He smiles and looks away before looking back at me, "We've been doing absolutely great," he says and I nod, smiling. Jack sighed loudly, which caused me to laugh.

We continued to talk about whatever and we heard the girls laughing loudly inside, since the door was kind of open.

"Who would've known that we would be lucky?" Jack says, smiling slightly and we all nod, agreeing.

Once again, we continued to talk about random stuff, until we decided to head inside.

I looked over to the girls and saw Ella looking at me, smirking, so I smirked back.

Lauren nudged Ella's arm, causing her to look away from me. I smiled and continued to talk with the others.


The girls had all gone upstairs while the guys and I went back outside. My drink was almost out, so I went back inside to get more.

Ella was in the kitchen as well, adding ice into the cooler where the drinks are in.

I walked towards her, leaning against the counter. She stands up straight and looks at me with that smirk.

"Fancy seeing you here, Ms. Hansen," I say, smirking back at her and she chuckles, looking down, before standing between my legs. "You too, Mr. Dallas." She smiles, and I lean down to kiss her.

Jack entered the house, screaming, "My eyes! My innocent eyes!" Causing Ella and I to pull apart.

Ella was blushing and I was groaning quietly.

"Well, look at Cammy. He looks...." Jack paused, tapping his index finger on his chin, smiling, "I'd say, frustrated?" He says and Ella looks at me with raised eyebrows as I looked away.

Ella and Jack start laughing. "Well, I'm going back out there. Don't do anything, you guys," Jack says, pointing at me with a playful glare before walking back outside.

My cheeks felt warm as Ella looked at me, a smile clear on her face.

"Are you really sexually frustrated, Cam?" She asks, laughing and I nod slowly, avoiding eye contact. She chuckles and kisses my cheek, placing her lips close to my ear, "Soon."

My eyes went wide and I looked at her. She was smirking as she swiftly turned and walked away from me, heading back upstairs to the girls, leaving me there. I just stood there in shock for a while until Omar came into the house.

"Cam! Are you going back out there of are you just gonna stand there looking like a fucking statue?" Omar asks me, laughing and startling me out of my thoughts which causes me to look over at him. "What? U-uh, yeah, I'll.. I'll be out in a bit," I stutter and he looks at me with a slight smirk before heading back outside.

I get another drink, opening up the can of soda before taking a sip while I think of what had just happened with Ella.

That girl and what she does to me...


Heyyo! I'm back with Book 2!! I'm excited for this book and I hope you are too :) Updating schedule will be twice a week (any day, but twice in one week okay). That's all!

Vote, comment, and share maybe? (: x -C

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