Friday, February 5th

24 2 2

I had told Sophie a few days ago that we can't be seen together at her house or mine if the others seem to be around. She agreed to it and relief rushed through me.

Except, she said on one condition, we should be able to call each other up if anything, and we'd be there right away. Meaning, if one of us needed our sexual needs to be cleared up, we call each other.

I wanted to say no, I really did, but instead, I agreed.

Yeah, it was wrong of me, but I couldn't stop myself from getting close to Sophie. I still wanted Ella by me through everything, but I had been waiting for her for quite sometime, and I'm willing to wait, but I can't.

So, there's Sophie to help me with my sexual needs.

Friends with benefits now, I guess.

You'll probably think of me as an asshole for this. And so will everyone else.

Today was one of those days where I didn't feel like doing anything, so I stayed home from school. The others don't even know about it, and I know they'll be calling me, at least one of them, asking where was I.

Different kinds of excuses came to mind but I finally decided to just tell them I stayed home.

Right now, I was laying down on my bed, just looking at my window with a blank stare.

What am I doing? I'm breaking my relationship with Ella and breaking her heart without her knowing.

I pursed my lips together in thought before huffing.

I should stop myself, but honestly, I don't think I can.

My phone started ringing, causing me to jolt up slightly.

I looked at who was calling, Ella.

"Hey, El, what's up?" I asked as I answered. I heard a loud sigh on the other line and the wind blowing.

"Why aren't you here today?" She asks and whispers something to someone. "I didn't feel like going to school, so I stayed home," I explained.

"Stop doing that!" She yells before clearing her throat, "Um, oh, okay. Uh. I'll call you back when I get home," she adds and I chuckled.

"Alright, talk to you then. I love you, Ella,"

"Love you too, Cam," she replies and I can here her smiling.

We hung up and I huffed deeply.

Minutes later, my phone starts ringing again. This time, the call was from Sophie.

"Hello?" I asked and I heard Sophie inhale sharply. "Soph?" I asked again and she exhales.

She coughed before replying, "Yeah u-uhm, hey, Cam." she said before taking another breath.

My eyebrows furrowed as I sat up, looking around my room.

"Is something wrong?" I asked and she shakily sighs, "No.. Yes," she sighs loudly, "Please come over," she begs and I immediately knew what was going on.

She needed me.

I hesitantly stood up and walked over to my room door, opening it. "Alright. I'll, um, be over in a bit."

She immediately hung up and I was getting nervous.

This isn't right. I know it isn't. I'll be blaming myself for the pain I'll cause for Ella until she forgives me.

I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys and phone before running out the door.


When I arrived at Sophie's house minutes later, she was alone and pulled me into the house. She quickly attached her lips to mine, leaning her back against the wall next to the door.

Soft moans and grunts were heard between us as I rubbed my hand on her back.

Her lips were soft and they felt good on mine.

Guilt and nervousness once again creeped into my veins but I pushed them aside and focused on Sophie.

Everyday, I'd tell myself that this was so, so wrong but then I always come back. It wasn't easy to let go of her since I see her everyday, and when I try stopping myself, it doesn't work.

My hand that was on her back slowly moved down to her butt, causing her to moan out loudly.

We pulled apart and she looked at me in the eyes before grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs.

A mischievous smirk appeared on my face as I followed her. My eyes were glued on her ass while we walked up the steps.

God, help me through all of this..

We entered her room and my wild side came out.

I immediately pushed her up against the wall and started sucking on her neck.

She moved her head up to give me more access to her neck.

My mind was telling me continue, my heart was telling me stop.

Well, I guess my body went with my mind so now my body and mind are both in control.

I felt her move her hand from the back of my neck to the back of my head, pulling on my hair, which caused me to grunt.

She giggled softly as I moved my hand up her shirt slowly.

My bottom lip was between my teeth as I felt my hand inch closer and closer to her breast.

But before my hand could actually feel her, she pulled my hand out of her shirt and led me over to her bed.

And, well, you know what had happened after that...


There I was, lying down next to Sophie with no clothes on.

We were both panting heavily, catching our breaths.

"Thank you for that," Sophie whispered, her breathing finally returning to it's natural pace. "I'm sorry that I'm getting in the way of yours and Ella's relationship."

She looked up at me and her eyes looked tired. I nodded at her before kissing her forehead and hugging her closely.

I slowly moved Sophie away from my body and lied her down on her bed carefully under the covers, getting up and getting dressed before leaving her house and quickly running over to mine.

Luckily, no one was outside so I made it home successfully.

Why am I tolerating this?

It's just... I don't want to hurt Ella. But then there's Sophie, looking so cute and innocent.


What... What if I'm falling for Sophie?

Broken Promises (Book 2) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora