Sunday, January 10th

25 4 0

The girls have been hanging around Sophie now, and they seem to be getting along fine. I hope it'll remain this way, honestly.

Today was a usual boring day, but I figured it would be good to go grocery shopping for my mom instead of her having to come with me.

I pulles up into the parking lot of the store and park, exiting the car and entering the store.

The first isle I went to was obviously the food isle. I grabbed a few bags of chips and put it into the cart, before heading over to the meat section. I didn't know which one to get, so I called my mom to ask.

"Mom? Hey, I'm at the store for groceries, and I wanted to know which meat do you want," I said and my mom said an and I got what she wanted me to get, leaving that section quickly.

Before I got to pay, I bumped into someone who I immediately recognized.

"Oh, hey Sophie." I said and she looks up with a smile, "Hey, Cameron."

"What are you doing here? Did you have to pick up something?" I ask and she nods, "Yup, for my mom, actually," She says and I nodded, "How about you?"

I sighed a little, "Groceries, " was all I said and she chuckled slightly, "Oh, did your mom want you to get them?" I shook my head and smiled, "Well, technically," I laughed and she laughed long with me.

By now, we were both standing in line and talking as we waited. I had let her go first, since I wasn't in a huge rush.

She was next in line and had placed her stuff, which was not much, on the counter, having the cashier scan the items and putting them into a bag. She paid for her items and moved away and she stood there against a wall.... waiting for me?

I paid for my stuff and walked up to her, "Why'd you wait?" I asked and she shrugged, "Eh, I figured it would be good for me to wait," she says and I nodded. We walked out of the store with me pushing my cart to my car. "Do you need a ride or anything?" I asked before we could part ways and before we reached my car.

She shook her head, "No, Im using my mom's car," she says. "See you later, Cameron," she adds, walking the other direction and separating ways from me.

I loaded the car with the stuff I had bought into the backseat and closed the door, jogging over to the drivers seat and getting in before starting up the car.


I drove home and entered the house with my arms full. Like they say, I'd rather die than taking two trips of carrying bags from the car.

Once I entered, my sister suddenly comes out of the kitchen to help me. I looked up at her, "Sierra?"

She looked at me and smiled before laughing at my confused expression, "Why do you look so confused?" she asks and I shrugged, "I don't know,"

We walked into the kitchen to set down the bags.

I walked towards the fridge to get something to drink and went to sit down at the dining table. Sierra followed behind me and stood in front of me.

"Since when did you and mom get back?" I hugged, breathing heavily and drinking the water I had in my hand.

She shrugs, "We got home, like, a few minutes ago," I nodded and took another drink.

There was silence, except the TV was on and that was the only thing heard around the house.

Sierra walked back into the kitchen, but called me over minutes later.

"Yeah?" I asked, leaning on the counter.

She stops what she was doing to face me for a short time, "So, I see you've met the new family down the street?" She asks and I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I've met their daughter, though, why?" I asked and she just huffs and shrugs. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I didn't know where Sierra was going with this.

Right when I was about to walk out of the kitchen, Sierra calls me back.

"I have a feeling she's going to take you away from Ella, so don't fall for any of her tricks."

I shrugged, knowing that wasnt true. I loved Ella with all my heart and I'm not going to do anything to hurt her.

That's my promise.

And I don't want to break it.


Sorry for the short chapter! That's why I'm probably going to double update again today, so watch out for that.(:

Broken Promises (Book 2) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora