Tuesday February 23rd

19 2 0

Ella's P.O.V

I was going through my closet, since I have a ton of old things in there, and found some pretty interesting stuff that bring back my childhood memories.

I even found a letter from when I was 12.

The paper was slightly crumpled, but the text was still clear.

'Dear Future Self,

I hope you now have a great job with a loving family to support you. Hopefully, everything is going great for you. I also hope you've found the right man! The one who treats you like a queen, and is very loyal! And such gorgeous children.(: Yeah, this letter won't even get to you, it'll probably be in the trash by then): But if you actually do receive it, I wish you the best of luck in the real world, where everything becomes serious. But, keep your childish side! It might come in handy :)

Your 12 1/2 self xo'

A smile was plastered on my face as I read the letter. I set it down on my lap and looked around my room.

Okay, honestly, I have no idea how I knew so much about that stuff. Probably because of my parents. They were an inspiration before my dad died. Mom told me stories about them and how loving my father was to her, Cat, and me.

I guess it was too early for me to read that letter, but I guess I could still save it for the near future.

I set it back into the box and put it back in the corner of my closet.

"El? Can I come in?" I heard Cat say from the other side of my room door.

"Yeah, sure. Come in," I said, putting the box back into the corner of my closet.

A smile was on my face after reading that letter.

In came my little sister, with a box.

"Hey, Cat. What's in the box?" I asked as she sat down next to me, placing the box in front of us.

"Open it," was all she said as I looked at her curiously, before opening up the box.

My eyes widened as I saw the old stuff we had in there. "Wh...Where'd you find these?" I asked.

All, well most, of the memories were flooding back into my mind.

"Well, mom was going through the things she had in her room and she found the box," She explained and I smiled.

My favorite headband as a child was in there. I constantly wore it wherever I went. I took it out of the box and smiled.

I remember when I first saw it, I begged my mom to buy it for me.


I saw a headband that was light blue and and had a bow on the right corner.

"Mom, can you get me this please?" I begged as my mom was looking at the other jewelry on the glass counter. The headband looked so cute and I wanted it so badly.

The headband was on the little shelf that the store had on the counter, and I couldn't reach so I just pointed at it.

I finally got my mom's attention after a few calls of her name.

She nodded when she finally saw what I wanted.

I was really happy once my mom paid for the headband and I put it on right away.

Flashback Ends

"Ella!" Cat yells and I jump. "What!?"

"Cameron's here with Sophie!" She yells again and we laugh.

Cat left once they both appeared in my room, and I smile, "Hey guys."

"Hi, El!" Sophie cheerfully chirps. I waved and Cam walked up to me, kissing my head.

I stood up from where I was seated and stood next to Cam.

Her smile lightly drops when Cam and I intertwine our fingers together.

"So, what are you doing here?" I ask, looking at the two of them.

"Well, I wanted to go get food and I wanted to know if you wanted to come along? Cameron already agreed," Sophie said and I thought about it for a few moments.

I shook my head no, "Nah, I guess I'll pass this time. I need to clean up this mess I made," I said, gesturing to the stuff on my my bedroom floor.

"We can wait for you," Cam suggested and I chuckled, "No, Cam, it's fine. I swear. Go on. Just bring me something to eat if you can," I smiled and Sophie nodded.

Cameron looked a little nervous and hesitant, but agreed.

Both of them left my room as I started getting things in place.

Cam's P.O.V

I didn't really want to be alone with Sophie, because of the argument two days ago.

She was ignoring me, but I had to be sure that I could talk to her about seeing each other for pleasure.

As soon as we left Ella's house, we walked over to my car as I got into the driver's side while Sophie got into the passenger seat.

We drove off to where we were planning to eat; Applebees.

I parked in the parking lot and we got out of the car, walking into the restaurant. It wasn't too filled.

Once we got settled, we took our orders and waited.

"Okay... So, uh, I wanted to talk to you about the whole... thing, you know?" I asked and Sophie nodded slowly.

I held my breath for a few moments before exhaling, "We can't do this anymore. We have to stop before Ella finds out." I say and she nodded again, looking down at her phone before looking up at me.

"I understand," she states bluntly and I sigh lightly.

We started eating once our food was served to our table.


The car ride home with Sophie was quiet.. A little too quiet, to be exact.

I pulled up on her driveway, "I'll, uh, see you soon.." I said quietly and she nods, looking up at me for a few seconds before getting out of my car, quickly entering her house.

A sigh escaped my lips as I watched her close the door.

I'm causing problems for everyone.

My mind was swarmed with thoughts about what I should decide on doing.

Once I reached my house, I finally decided on what I was going to do. And that choice was going to be final.

I was going to tell Ella as soon as possible.

Broken Promises (Book 2) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora