Wednesday, January 13th

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I decided to take Ella out today after school to the ice cream shop down the street, because I know how much she loves ice cream and that she craves it everyday. It's actually really adorable.

We were currently walking, side by side and hand in hand, to the shop.

She ordered her usual favorite flavored ice cream, butter pecan, and I got my usual, which was rocky road.

"Do you wanna just walk home now or sit for a little?" I asked and she shrugged, "We could go now, I guess. I have to memorize my script for a play in Mr. Jacob's class, anyways," she says and I nodded.

"Alright, let's go," I intertwined our hands again as we exited the small shop.

She licked her ice cream and smiled. The smile on her face made me happy, and I keep remembering why I'm with her.

Everything about her makes me happy. She's my best friend and my lover.

I couldn't ask for someone better.


I waited for Ella to close her front door before actually leaving and heading towards the direction where my house was.

There wasn't much to do at home again, so of course, I decided to call someone over to hang out since Ella has to study some script for Mr. Jacob's class.

The air was breezy and I had my hands in my pockets, looking around. No matter how many times I take a walk, I still get amazed at the view of the houses and the neighborhood.

The back of Sophie's brown hair caught my eye, causing me to smile slightly.

She was standing outside her house with her mom, who was about to enter her car, talking to her with a smile on her face. Her mom had entered the car, but kissed Sophie's cheek before entering fully.

Her eyes met mine and she waved over at me, as I waved back.

When her mom pulled out of their driveway, she looked from left to right of the empty streets to see if there were any cars that were gonna pass by before crossing, jogging over to me.

"Boring day, Huh?" she asks me and I chuckled, nodding and looking down. "Hmm. Well, do you wanna come over and maybe meet my dad and brother?" she asks and I shrugged, "Sure."

We walked to her house and she opened up the door, leading the way as I stood behind her.

"Sophie, honey, dinner will be ready s-" her father stops talking as he entered the living room, seeing me there. "Well, hello, there. May I ask, who are you?"

"I'm Cameron and I live right down the street, sir," I said and he nodded. Sophie was smiling, looking back and forth between us.

"I see, you've met my daughter," He says and I nodded. He calls down Sophie's brother and he comes into the living room as well.

The look on his face was full confusion, but then he smiled, "Hey, my name's Steven." he says and I smiled back at him.

Steven was nice like Sophie and we had little talks until he left the house.

Her dad had left the living room to the kitchen, leaving us alone. "Dad, we're gonna go to my room," she says and my eyes widened slightly.

She looked at me and showed a reassuring smile. "Alright, sweetie, but don't do any funny business up there!" He yells out and Sophie starts coughing.

"Dad! Ew!" She says and her dad laughs loudly as she lead the way. I slowly followed behind her, not really sure if I should proceed.

Then, I remember what my sister had told me the other day, but I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind.

Broken Promises (Book 2) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora