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AIDAN AND Y/N were both sat on the floor of the boy's bedroom, sheets of paper with scribbled words spread across his floor. The boy lets out a slow sigh and runs his fingers through his raven hair.

Y/N hums quietly and pulls a strand of her hair behind her ear, picking up one of the creased papers and squinting her eyes as she read it. —"I've read this same paper at least thirty times and still don't get it." She frustratedly drops the paper back to the ground and rests her chin on her hand.

"Should we just take a break and continue later?" Aidan asks as he twirls his pen in between his fingers. Y/N shrugs with a nod and the two gather their papers and put it into one pile to the side. —"What should we do?" The girl asks and follows Aidan to his bed, sitting down comfortably beside him.

Aidan grabs his TV controls and turns the TV on, switching it to Netflix. —"Let's watch a movie or something.. any suggestions?" Y/N thinks to herself for a moment before a wide smile appears on her lips. —"There is this show.. The Umbrella Academy? Don't think you've heard of it though.." She teases, knowing full well that Aidan plays a big part in the show.

The boy lets out a chuckle and puts on the first episode of the second season, the pair sitting in silence and watching the episode together. After about an hour of watching TV, Y/N rubs her eyes tiredly and couldn't help the small yawn that escaped her lips.

Aidan looks towards her and notices how tired and uncomfortable she looks, giving the fact she was slouched against the bed frame and almost falling off the bed.

"You know you can lay down and sleep for a while, if you want? I can wake you up later." Aidan speaks up. Y/N looks up at him and smiles gratefully. —"Really? Thank you." She re positions herself and lays her head down on the pillow, her back facing to him as she almost immediately drifted off to sleep.

Aidan continues to watch the show for a few more minutes before feeling his own eyes slightly drooping. He switches the TV off and lays down beside her, his body facing her back as he slowly found himself falling asleep.


Y/N opens her eyes but doesn't find herself in the same room she fell asleep in but standing in the middle of a unfamiliar road as it poured down with rain, the cold water stabbing at her skin.

She then realises she must be dreaming, looking around frantically for any signs of recognition before hearing loud footsteps behind her. She quickly turns around to see Aidan stood there, his dark hair falling in front of his light eyes as the rain slams down on the two.

"Aidan? What are you doing here?" Y/N asks with confusion. Aidan lets out a laugh and moves his wet hair to the side. —"What do you mean?" He asks and Y/N frowns with confusion and glances around herself.

"You're.. in my dream?" She slowly says. Aidan's smile only grew wider. —"Look, if anyones dreaming, it would be me." Whilst he says that, his hands slowly move up to the girls face and he carefully cups her cheeks in his palms.

Y/N suddenly felt herself drawn to him. It was almost as if they were both magnets that were destined to connect. The two move closer and closer to each other. Just a little bit more and then..


The girl woke up with a small gasp. She was back in Aidan's room and it was almost pitch black if it wasn't for the bright moon that shone through his window. The girl wipes her forehead to feel cold sweat now on her knuckles. She lets out a sigh of relief and looks down to see Aidan peacefully sleeping on his bed, beside where she once lay.

"Oh, shit.." Y/N whispers as she pulls out her phone from her pocket and switches it on, seeing that the time read 2AM. She turns to Aidan and grabs his shoulders, aggressively shaking him until he sprung out of his bed, alarmingly.

"What? What is it?" He asks with panic. Y/N climbs off the bed and shoes the time on his phone, watching as his green eyes grew wide. —"Shit! When were you supposed to be home?" He asks as she shoves her phone back into her pocket.

"..Like hours ago!" She frustratedly replies. The girl quickly grabs her shoes and slips them onto her feet as quickly as she could. —"Aidan, I'm sorry but I really have to go." That's when the two were suddenly aware of the pouring rain outside the house.

Y/N walks to his window and looks outside, a feeling bubbling up in her stomach when the road looked all too familiar along with the hammering rain. —"Is everything okay?" Aidan asks, which brought her back to reality.

"Yeah, sorry. I really need to get going.. it's only rain, I'll be okay." She reassures when Aidan's eyebrows furrow. —"Well if you're sure, then I'll see you at school later?" He asks and she nods. —"Definitely. Thank you for letting me come round, I'll see you later." She says before walking out of his room and making her own way home.

Aidan sighs and collapses back onto his bed, his hand resting on his forehead as he plays with his dark hair. His gaze slowly trails over to the space beside him, a small crease in the sheets and pillow where the girl once lay, making him feel some sort of.. loneliness.


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now