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"I AM TELLING YOU NOW, that I aced that test." Bill repeats for the tenth time in the space of five minutes. Aidan knew that he would randomly rant about his experience on the test but his mind has been elsewhere for the entire day.

Ever since the incident with Y/N and her Father, he hasn't heard from her at all and whenever he went to her house to check on her, nobody would answer the door. His mind has been replaying the same moment over and over again and he would be lying if he said he wasn't terrified for the girl.

Bill then notices Aidan's silence and the pained expression on his face before moving around to stand in front of him, placing his hands on his shoulders. Tom, who was stood beside Bill, places a comforting hand on Aidan's shoulder with a sympathetic look in his brown eyes.

"I'm sure she will be alright. She is a strong girl." Bill reassures with a shrug. He gives him a small smile and turns to open his locker but suddenly slams it shut. Tom walks around and leans beside Bill, a loud laugh escaping his lips.

"What was that, Billy?" Tom teases. He leans forward to open Bill's locker back up but Bill shoves him away. The two go back and forth with smacking each others hands out of the way before Tom finally manages to slam open the locker. At least a hundred mini polaroids spill out of his locker, and the three look down to see a bunch of photos of the same girl.

For the first time since the incident, Aidan felt a wide smile appear on his face as he watches Bill panically gather up all the photos and shoving them back into his locker, not before stopping to dreamily stare at each and every one of them.

"Your obsession is insane, Bill." Tom laughs. The dread head crosses his arms over his chest and silently watches as Bill takes out multiple books for the day and shuts the locker behind him, his eyes travelling down the hall and landing on something that made his eyes grow as wide as saucers.

"Jesus Christ!" Bill exclaims. Aidan lets out a soft laugh but his smile slowly fades when he turns to see what Bill was looking at. Aidan immediately felt sick to his stomach when his eyes set on the Y/N who was walking down the hall with her head down. He manages to notice the bloodshot eyes and the dark circles under them.

"Shit." Aidan mutters and the twins turn to look at him with worried looks. —"I shouldn't have left her yesterday. Fuck." Aidan whispers angrily to himself and shakes his head in disappointment.

"It's not your fault, Aidan." Tom reassures and the boy only nods in response. —"Do you think we should check on her?" He asks. Aidan clenches his jaw and looks down at the ground for a moment.

"Maybe. But then at the same time maybe she wants some space." Aidan wonders. He couldn't help shake the feeling off that something had happened in that house after she was forced back inside by her Father. He just hopes his gut wasn't right.

Bill hums. —"Well, we should get going to class. Maybe check on her since you guys have English together." He suggests and Aidan quickly nods in agreement. Aidan sighs and walks away from the twins and towards the class where he hopes Y/N would be.

When he walks into English class, he felt a sense of slight relief when he notices Y/N already there and sit in her usual seat. But what made him slightly worry further was when he notices her head buried in her arms on the desk and her leg rapidly bouncing up and down.

Aidan sighs and sits down beside her, slightly turning his body towards her in hopes of grabbing her attention but lets out another sigh when he fails. Throughout the entire lesson, he had been glancing at her every few minutes but she hadn't moved the tiniest bit from when he last checked.

That was until the English teacher had asked Y/N a question to which she didn't move or reply. Aidan leans to the side and gently nudged her shoulder. She immediately jerks up and wipes her wet cheeks with her hoodie sleeve, looking around the room for an idea on what was going on. When she looks over at Aidan and the two make eyes contact, the boy nods towards the teacher.

"Y/N? Can you answer the question I have just asked you?" The teacher asks. Y/N sadly looks down at her lap for a second before nervously glancing around the classroom at the people who were expectantly looking at her. She slowly shakes her head and Aidan notices the slight tremble on her hands.

"I don't- Can I use the bathroom?" The girl asks. Her voice came out dry and weak. The English teacher notices that and glances at the clock on the wall then turning back to the girl, reluctantly nodding. Y/N quickly moves her chair back which made a screeching sound throughout the classroom as she grabs her backpack and walks out of the room.

Aidan thinks to himself for a moment before his hand slowly finds its way into the air and he impatiently waits until the Teacher calls on him. —"May I use the bathroom?" He asks. The Teacher's eyes squint closely at him until she too nods again.

Aidan walks out of the classroom and down the hall before he stops at the entrance of the girls bathroom. His hand hovers over the door and he debates silently whether or not he should go in and check to see if she was really in there or leave it and wait outside. He then realises that Y/N is mentally hurt and he hadn't spoken to her yet so he pushes open the door and goes to walk inside until a voice stops him.

"Mr Gallagher? What are you doing in the Female's bathroom?" The Head Teacher of the school asks him with a stern look on his face and his arms tightly crossed which made Aidan figure that he wasn't very happy.

Aidan's eyes slightly widen and he steps out of the bathroom, looking down in embarrassment. —"I.. was just looking for Y/N, sir." His arm falls back to his side and Aidan watches closely as the Head Teacher's angered expression slightly falters when he mentioned Y/N's name.

"Oh, I see.. seeing as you and Mrs L/N are quite close I can tell you that she has been taken home by her Father for confidential reasons. I cannot explain further since it would be inappropriate." The Head Teacher explains and Aidan immediately felt his stomach drop. Aidan forces a smile and thanks him before turning around and quickly walking away down the hall.

The boy's thoughts all shit through his head all at once; knowing that her Father didn't take Y/N home for a good reason at all. The look on his face yesterday made Aidan realise that he wasn't a good person and that as long as Y/N is with her Father, she is in danger.

Aidan had only known Y/N for over a month and he understands that she hadn't told him anything about her backstory but he felt himself slowly figuring it out for himself. But if there was one thing Aidan knew, it was that something between Y/N and her Father was seriously wrong.


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now