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Y/N HAS COME TO THE CONCLUSION that she absolutely despises Maths. Her and Aidan were both sat besides each other, bored out of their minds in their Maths lesson. They thankfully had the class together which made it seem somewhat less dreadful than usual and were both sat in their usual seats, at the back of the classroom.

Y/N lets out a sigh and looks over at Aidan who was leaning back in his chair with his arms tightly crossed over his broad chest. It seemed like he was zoned out on the clock in front of the classroom, out of boredom. None of the two had taken in a single word their Math teacher had said since the lesson first began.

The girl glances at the teacher to see she wasn't looking anywhere knew Aidan or her. She leans towards the boy and snaps her fingers in front of his face, jolting him out of his little trance.  He looks over at her with his eyebrows raised and a tired look in his green eyes.

"Watch this.." She whispers to him and watches as he shifts in his seat and leans closer to her with a small smirk on his lips and a spark in his eyes.

"What?" He whispers. Y/N bites down on her lip and pulls out two plastic straws from her backpack that she had kept from when the two got iced coffee before school. She pulled out a dark yellow one and handed it to him, twirling her own pink one around her fingers.

She then rips a sheet of paper out of her Maths book and pulls out a glue stick from her bag, ripping a tiny piece from the paper and scrunching it up into a tiny ball before running it over the glue stick to make it sticky. She places the scrunched piece of paper at the edge of her straw and places her lips on the other end, pointing it towards a random boy who was silently sat across the room.

"Ready.." She lightly blows into the straw and the two watch with amusement as the paper flew out of the straw and hits the boy in the face but the best part was the fact it had stuck to her cheek from the glue. They both silently giggle as he disgustingly wipes the glue off his face and glances around the classroom to find out who did it.

Y/N leans back in her seat and hides her straw under her desk, gesturing to Aidan to do the same. He quietly nods and hides the straw under the desk as he makes his own small paper. He places it in his straw and suddenly aims it at the Maths, which made Y/N's eyes grow wide. But before she could stop him, he had already blew into it and the paper was stuck on the back of her neck.

"Aidan, you idiot!" She whisper shouts at him, desperately trying to holds back a giggle but that instantly fades away when the Math teacher whips around and stares at the two with fury in her eyes. Aidan's smirk was immediately wiped off his face and he mutters a small curse word as he slowly moves his straw back under his desk.

Her eyes trails down from their faces and down under the desks, to see the straws sat on their laps. —"You two, detention!" She screams. Aidan and Y/N both glance at each other and let out a groan, picking up their bags and walking out of the classroom.


It was now after school time but Y/N and Aidan were still at school, stuck in the detention hall. It hadn't even been half hour and the two were already bored out of their minds. Y/N slouches back in her seat with her arms crossed, her leg bouncing up and down from the anticipation of wanting to go home.

Suddenly, a small piece of folded up paper lands on her desk and she looks to her left to see Aidan expectantly staring at her. Y/N slightly shakes her head with a small smile and opens the small piece of paper, moving it under the desk to read the scribbled message.


Y/N re-folds the piece of paper and bites down on her lip, her mind thinking of everything that could possibly go wrong with any plan. But she eventually gave in and knew she would prefer to be at home than still be here. Once she had made her decision, she turns back to Aidan to see he was already looking at her and she gives him a small thumbs up.

Aidan nods and licks his lips his eyes looking over at the teacher who was looking after the two, to see she was too busy on her laptop to possibly notice the two escaping. He turns back to the girl and lifts his hand up, counting down from three until he reaches zero.

They both scramble out of their chairs at the same time and throw their backpacks over their shoulders, their hands finding their way to each other and lacing together as they ran out of the room and down the school hall as fast as they could.

"Hey, get back here!" They glance behind them to see another teacher running towards them, which only made them run even faster. Laughter escapes their lips as they run over to a staff elevator and run inside, rapidly pushing the button to the bottom floor as the teacher got closer and closer.

The teacher just made it but the doors were already closing and before they had completely shut, Aidan lifts up his hand and flips the teacher off and the doors slamming shut before he could do anything. They stood in silence for a few seconds before they slowly turned to one another, bursting out of laughter.

Y/N's knees buckles and she collapsed into the wall behind her, clutching her chest as she gasped for air. They continue to laugh for a few more minutes until the elevator stops and the doors open. The two take a deep breath and casually walk out of the elevator and out of the school doors, sighing in satisfaction as the fresh air reaches their lungs.

"We need to do that again." Aidan laughs after releasing a relieved sigh. Y/N looks over at him and runs her hands through her now tangled and slightly sweaty hair.

She smiles as the cold wind smacks against her face, slightly cooling her off. —"I agree." She looks down at her shoes but jumps when she feels something sticky and gross collide with her cheek. She rubs her face with her palm and looks down to see a small and scrunched up piece of paper covered in glue. Exactly the same as the ones they were making earlier in Math class.

Her lips slightly part and she looks up to see Aidan stood there with his straw in his hands and she could notice how his eyes were tearing up from how hard he was trying not to laugh. —"You piece of shit!" The girl laughs and playfully smacks him on the shoulder.

Aidan shrugs with a smile and throws the straw into the bin, walking beside her as the two happily and energetically walk back home together.


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now