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Y/N AND AIDAN both sat around a table together at Aidan's friends Father's store. Their hair wasn't so wet as it was before but would still occasionally drop with water onto their laps.

Aidan opens his mouth to say something but cuts himself off when his eyes suddenly glue onto something or someone behind Y/N. The girl turns around to see his best friends, Tom and Bill making their way over to the both of them.

"Hey love birds!" Tom exclaims as the twins sat down in the booth, Bill beside Aidan and Tom beside Y/N. Y/N cautiously moves up away from Tom a tiny bit, giving the fact she had no idea who any of those boys were and why they were now sitting with them.

"Guys, seriously?" Aidan asks with frustration, a small frown creased on his forehead. —"Can't you see that we are spending time together.. or at least trying?" He rhetorically asks, gesturing between the two of them with his hand.

A smirk appears on Tom's face. —"Romantic time, you mean?" The dread-head corrects, wiggling his eyebrows between the two of them which made Aidan frown.

"I'm sorry, Y/N.. these are my annoying friends, Bill and.. Tom—" Aidan starts but before he could introduce Tom, the said boy cuts him off by wrapping an arm around Y/N. —"Oh, yes. Aidan has told us lots about you!" The twins laugh but their laughter slowly dies down when they both notice the angered look on Aidan's face.

"It's okay, Aidan.. I don't mind." The girl shrugs and watches as the boy's hard expression softens at her reassurance. The girl's gaze wandered back over to the twins, who were both looking at each other with mischievous smirks on their faces.

"Y/N.. could we talk to you?" Tom teasingly asks and before the girl got to reply, Bill quickly walks around the booth and gently grabs her arm, leading her to the bar with Tom. Y/N quickly glances at Aidan to see his fist visibly clenched on the table whilst he sternly watches the twins talk to her.

"So.. you and Aidan, hug?" Bill starts, raising his dark eyebrows weirdly. Y/N was seriously taking back from the comment and began to nervously chuckle. She would be lying if she said Aidan wasn't attractive but the only thing keeping her back from expressing that feeling was the fact they had only met a few days ago.

"What? No— No.. I only just met him at school a few days ago!" Y/N's words completely fail on her and it makes her looks away in embarrassment but only made her flustered cheeks grow darker when she locks eyes with Aidan, who was closely watching the interaction.

She was brought back to reality when she heard Tom laugh. —"See! You both are totally into one another! That explains the constant hanging out, the eye contacts and most importantly, the—" Tom cuts himself off when he notices the new presence, behind Y/N.

The girl looks behind her to see Aidan stood beside Bill with a confused expression. —"What are you guys talking about that is making Y/N so red?" He asks and Bill bites down on his lip to stop himself from letting out a laugh. On the other hand, it made Y/N internally panic.

"Oh! We were just talking about how you and Y/N are in lo—" Tom was super close to potentially destroying the twos friendship but luckily, Y/N slapped her hand over his mouth before he could. The girl lets out a nervous laugh and Aidan only looks between the three with an even more confused expression than before.

Thankfully, Y/N was saved from the conversation at the sound of a horn from outside the store. She looks outside the window to see her Mother parked there. —"Well, that's me." Y/N sighs and moves her hand from Tom's mouth and wiping it on her thigh with disgust.

Aidan walks over to her and gently takes ahold of her wrist, walking her towards the door and away from his friends. —"It was fun hanging out with you today, Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow at school?" Aidan quietly asks, his eyes darting between the girl and his friends who were watching them speak with wide smiles.

"Yeah.. absolutely." She nods and waved at everybody before turning around and walking out of the store. She walks towards her Mother's car and opens the door but before she got inside, she turns around and gives Aidan one final wave before getting inside and slamming the door shut behind her.

The boy's eyes follow the car the girl had just got in until it was out of his view. He turns around back to his friends, who were staring at him with a wide smirk on their lips.

"You like her!" Tom teases as he lightly punches Aidan's arm but the boy harshly shakes his hand off him. He was now pissed off with them from the fact they sabotaged his and Y/N's time together.

"I do not! Not only did we meet a few days ago but don't be so stupid! And if you guys were that desperate for us to get into a relationship, maybe start by giving us some privacy to do so!" Aidan snaps and by the taken aback looks on the twins faces, they seemed surprised by Aidan's outburst, giving the fact he never snaps so easily.

He was never the one to really snap at people but in this situation, he felt some sort of rage towards the twins from their action and he couldn't figure out why. The twins' smiles slowly fade and they glance at each other with regret, making Aidan immediately feel bad. But he had let the twins off on too many occasions now and he believes that he should make it clear to them that he is mad at the both of them.

Aidan couldn't help but have felt different over the course of the week.. in other words: ever since he had met the girl. No, he does not feel like she is a bad influence on him but he knows deep down that there is another reason to this. But the only thing he knew was that it had every right to do with this girl, leaving him to wonder in silence on what the hell she was doing to him.


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now