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A YOUNG GIRL gasps in pain as her fragile body collides with the hard floor, her hand shake rapidly as they find their way to cup her cheek from the pain that stung. Her vision blurred from the tears forming in her eyes as she slowly looks up at who just hit her with obvious fear.

This is what she would get every time her Mother would leave the house. The young girl never really figured out what she ever did to deserve everything her Father puts her through but she has gotten to the point where it is nothing new for her anymore.

She sniffles and blinks away the tears as her Father spoke. —"Go get me a beer." He mutters and the girl immediately obeyed, scrambling up to her feet and quickly making her way to the kitchen where she took a bottle of beer from the fridge and opened it with the bottle opener. She wipes the blood from her cheek with the tip of her fingers and chokes back a sob as she walks back into the living room where she silently hands him the beer.

He gives her a small smile and places the bottle onto the table beside him before rising up to his feet and towering over the shaking girl. He lifts up her hand, raising it above her head which made her slightly flinch out of fear of him hitting her again before he leans forward and moves a strand of hair out of her small face.

The Father bends his knees to move down to her height and whispers in her ear. —"You're a beautiful girl, you know that? Be glad I haven't done anything else to you." He viciously says, sending a fast chill down her spine. She knew exactly what he was taking about, the thought of it making her feel violently sick inside and her head spin.

Knowing that it wasn't wise to say anything else, she nods and walks out of his grasp towards her bedroom. She quietly closes the door behind her and slowly sits down on her bed. She lets out a shaky sigh and that was followed by a bunch of sobs that had finally escaped her lips as her chest began to tighten.

She then lets out a gasp as her eyes frantically glance around the room for a familiar object before her eyes land on her desk that sat opposite of her bed. She immediately notices the shiny object she was desperately trying to find, sat on top and shining almost as bright as gold to her. She quickly climbs over her bed and grabs the sharp blade, holding it out in her hand as she blankly stares down at it with tears in her eyes.

Her hand slowly rolls up her sleeve and she rests the blade in the middle of her arm, closing her eyes and feeling the tears rolling down her cheeks as she slowly drags the razor over her skin. She immediately felt a wet sensation drip down her arm so she quickly opens her eyes to see crimson red falling onto her bed sheets. The girl mutters a small curse word to herself and grabs a random black top from beside her, placing it down on the bed where she rests her arm on top.

She lays down on her bed and closes her heavy eyes, allowing herself to freely bleed onto the dark T-Shirt. She was only hoping that when she falls asleep she would've bled enough to not wake up. She just hopes all of this would end very soon. The poor girl who goes by name, Y/N, was only fourteen.


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now