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"So.. have you got any plans for after school?" Aidan asks the girl beside him. Y/N shrugs with response and moves her salad around her plate with her fork. Ever since she had woken up that morning, she had a funny feeling at the pit of her stomach.

Aidan sighs and bites down on his lip. —"Y/N, what's going on? You've been acting very paranoid and off today." He point out. Y/N drops her fork and looks up at him, she lets out a sigh.

"I don't know." She starts and leans back in her chair. —"I've just had a funny feeling today. You know, maybe it's just that test we have tomorrow. I must be stressed for it." Y/N shrugs. Aidan slowly nods and the two go back into a silence for a few seconds before the ball rung.

Y/N got up out of her seat and walked out of the cafeteria before Aidan could say anything else, leaving him deep in his thought and even more concerned for the girl. As the said girl walks down the empty hall alone, her body suddenly gets slammed into the lockers behind her, the bang ringing throughout the corridor.

She groans and opens her eyes to see an unfamiliar girl pinning her to the lockers. She had dirty blonde hair and Y/N could tell that the lashes on her eyes were visibly fake. —"Listen, I don't know who you are fucking with my Aidy but if you carry it on, there will be price to pay." The girl threats.

Y/N lets out a scoff and a small smile cracked upon her lips. —"I'm sorry.. who are you?" Y/N lets out a laugh when the blondes hard expression twitches, as if she was about to break character. Just before she could answer, the halls doors slammed open and they both turn their gazes to the side to see Aidan storming over to them.

"Mia, get away from her! What the hell are you doing?" Aidan didn't waste a second before grabbing onto the blondes shoulders and harshly throwing her off Y/N. The blonde fell to the ground and blew her hair out of her face, forcing a pout as she looked up at the two.

"Aidy.. what do you mean? What are you being so horrible to me, baby?" Y/N winces in embarrassment for the girl as she drags on his cringy nickname that she assumed Mia had made for him. Aidan lets out a loud groan and slams his fist into the locker beside him, looking down at the blonde with pure hatred.

"We broke up, Mia.. ages ago! Get over it!" Aidan snaps. Once Mia's gaze fell to the ground out of embarrassment or rejection, Aidan softly grabs Y/N's arm and leads her out of the hall and outside the school.

He gently lets go of her arm and turns towards her, softens full in his eyes. —"Are you alright? She— didn't hurt you, did she?" Aidan's voice grew harder at the thought of Y/N getting hurt because of his past relationships but once she shook her head to say she didn't, his expression goes back to his usual soft one.

"No, no I'm fine. Look, Aidan, I'm so sorry for being a total twat today. Why don't we hang out later? Come pick me up from my house whenever." Y/N asks. A smile spreads across Aidan's lips and he nods in agreement. Y/N gives him a soft smile and waves before walking away.


Y/N lets out a relieved sigh when her home finally came into view. She opens the front door and steps inside, sliding her bag off her shoulder and letting it collide with the floor with a faint thump.

"Mother?" Y/N calls out and frowns at the unusual silence. She walks through the house and into the kitchen where she sees her Mother silently leant against the table and biting her nails anxiously.

"Y/N, honey.." She speaks up once she notices her Daughter's presence. She pushes herself off the table and walks towards the girl. —"We need to talk.." Y/N's eyebrows furrow together.

- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now