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FOR THE PAST FEW HOURS, Aidan, Bill and Tom all cheered Y/N up in ways nobody else has ever done before. She was so grateful to have people like them in her life no matter what was going on. They watched a movie together and even played with Aidan's new pet kitten.

Y/N slept over at Aidan's house last night and now it was the night of the party they had planned on going to. Her and Aidan walk into the party house and we're immediately met with the smell of alcohol and drugs and the sound of loud music and cheering.

Aidan's hand tightens around Y/N's and he leans into her ear. —"Don't leave my side tonight." He mutters in her ear but loud enough for her to hear. She turns to look at him and nods in response, not liking the idea of leaving his side that night anyway.

An hour had already passed and it was safe to say Y/N was drunk out of her mind. Aidan had stayed sober to keep an eye on her and stuck to his promise by not leaving her side for even a second. The two were both in the kitchen and Y/N held her red solo cup that was full with a weird drink she had made with a mix of different types of alcohol.

Once she had downed her last bit of liquid, she walks over to the vodka bottle and goes to pour some more but Aidan's hand grabs the glass and holds it out of her reach. The girl looks over at him and forces a pout, reaching to grab it but the boy held it high above his head.

"No, Y/N. You've had too much to drink tonight." Aidan sternly says and opens the bottle of vodka, pouring the remainder down the sink. Y/N watches sadly as Aidan places the now empty bottle back onto the table.

Aidan wraps an arm around the girl and leads her upstairs and round the corner to where Bill and Tom were. They were both sat on a sofa, making out with different girls at once. Aidan clears his throat and the twins pull away from their girls, wiping their lips and gesturing for them to go away. Once the girls had hesitantly walked away, Aidan walks over and places Y/N down on the sofa.

He sits down beside her and the girl rests her head on his lap, softly smiling as Aidan gently plays with her hair and she finds herself slowly drifting off to sleep.


Y/N opens her eyes to see she was back in her room but sprawled out on the floor. Her eyes immediately widen when she notices a familiar body hovering over hers. She lets out the biggest scream she could in hopes somebody would hear her except nothing had came out of her mouth but a little squeak.

She then finds herself in the kitchen where she was held in a tight hug by the same man who suddenly pulls her closer into him. —"I stand by what I said yesterday." He lowly growls and the girl whimpers as his grip tightens around her.

Then back in her room and sat on her bed, she lets out a slow breath in attempts to calm herself from the recent beating she had just received after her Father came up with an excuse to get her out of school.

"Get out.. get the fuck out of my house!" The girl feels the familiar sensation of warm liquid dripping down her cheeks. Her legs lift her up as they carried her out of the house as quickly as they could and down the streets of the town to who knows where.

Those same moments played over and over again in her mind like a broken CD except each event grew faster and faster until she couldn't hear anything but loud ringing in her eyes and could only see a bright white light in her vision.


Y/N lets out a huge gasp as she shot up from Aidan's lap and sat up straight. She quickly looks around her surroundings to see Aidan, Tom and Bill all looking at her with concern. She lets out a loud sigh and wipes her forehead which was covered in cold sweat.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Aidan goes to touch her shoulder but she flinches away, quickly standing up to her feet as her breath slowly came back. The girl felt more sober than she did before she fell asleep and now being completely aware with what she was doing, she turns away from the three boys and walks down the hall find the bathroom.

Once she had found the room, she walks inside and closes the door behind her, sighing in relief when the sound of loud music was slightly quieter. She walks over to the sink and turns the tap on, bending down and splashing her pale face with ice cold water.

Her eyes slowly travel to look into her reflection and she couldn't help but look elsewhere after a moment. Her dead eyes land on a small orange bottle that sat on a shelf just right in front of her. It was almost as if the bottle and the drugs inside were screaming her name to consume them. 

The girls shaky hand grabs the bottle and she sits down on the toilet lid, looking down at the pot that she identified to be sleeping pills. Everything began to play in her mind again all at once; everything that had happened over the week all flashed through her mind all in one.

"Fuck this." Y/N mutters to herself and stands up in front of the mirror again. Screwing the lid undone and taking one singular pill out of the pot. She places it in her mouth and uses the water to wash it down her throat. And that is when she found herself taking more and more and more until the once completely full pot was now empty.

The effects hit her quicker than she had expected, leaving her laying down on the cold floor beneath her as the pain slowly faded away along with her consciousness. She knew that it would all be over and she felt a pang of slight happiness inside her at the thought of knowing she would not wake up once she falls asleep.


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now