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AIDAN GALLAGHER impatiently bounces his leg up and down whilst he waits for the girl to come back from the bathroom. He had finished counting to sixty for the tenth time before he sprung up from his chair and quickly walked towards the bathroom door.

Aidan gently knocks on the door and places his ear against the wood. —"Y/N? Are you alright in there?" His eyebrows knit together when he doesn't hear a response from the other side. —"Y/N, please open the door." He knocks slightly harder this time and silently curses to himself when the girl once again doesn't answer.

He clenches his jaw before twisting the door knob and swinging opening the door, the sight in front of him making his legs go weak. Y/N lays sprawled out on the cold ground, her sweaty and tangled hair stuck to her face as her chest barely moves and her hand slightly twitches.

Aidan falls to his knees and pulls the girls body into his, holding onto her tightly as he felt his throat closing over. —"Y/N— Y/N please stay with me. TOM! BILL—" The boy chokes on his words as he moves her H/C hair out of her face.

"Y/N, please.." He leans down and places a small kiss on her forehead just as the door opens even wider. The boy quickly snaps his head in the direction to see Bill and Tom stood there with wide eyes.

"She's not breathing! Call an ambulance quickly!" Aidan screams and that's when he felt himself let go of the knot in his throat, loud sobs escaping his lips as he held the girl tightly into his chest. He cups her cheek as he leans into her touch, rocking them back and forth as his tears falls onto her relaxed face.

Another few minutes pass until paramedics finally burst into the room and run towards the two teenagers on the floor. The female one kneels down in front of them and reaches to touch her neck to check her breathing and widens her eyes when she barely feels a pulse.

Aidan hesitantly lets go of the girl and stands up, holding onto the wall behind him as he watches with sore eyes as the paramedic shoved their fingers down Y/N's throat, muttering a few words to themself when it doesn't make a difference.

After a few more attempts, Y/N's body suddenly jerks to the side and the girl gasps for air as vomit pours out of her mouth, the boy noticing a few white pills being mixed in with the puddle of sick below her.

Her body fell back onto the floor and her eyes begin to slowly close again. The other paramedic runs in with an oxygen mask and places it over her face before picking her body up in his arms. He rushes out of the room with her and through the now silent house as bystanders watch with shock when he approaches the ambulance and places her on the stretcher inside.

Aidan quickly follows behind him and stands in front of the ambulance doors, stopping the man before he could shut them both. —"Wait! Can I go with her?" He urgently asks. His eyes frantically glance between the paramedic and Y/N's still body inside as he impatiently waits for a response.

The paramedic looks at Aidan with sympathy. —"I'm sorry, kid. You're going to have to take a relative adult if you want to come." The man explains. Aidan's lip trembles and he takes a step back when the doors completely shut.

And before Aidan could protest against that anymore, the man had already got into the drivers seat and drove off, leaving Aidan stood there in the middle of the road with his two friends by his side as tears slowly rolled down each of their cheeks.

- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now