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Y/N FINDS HERSELF slightly smiling at her reflection as she gazed into the body mirror in front of her. Today was Aidan's birthday and her, Mr and Mrs Gallagher had all planned to throw a party for him, giving the fact it was his Eighteenth. Y/N was stood alone in Aidan's room since he had been sent out with his Father to get ready elsewhere whilst the girl and his Mother set up decorations around the house for the party.

Luckily things had been much better the past day, ever since Mr and Mrs Gallagher had both agreed to take Y/N into their care. She had built up a good bond with the two adults but things have been slightly awkward between her and Aidan: Ever since what almost happened the other night, that memory refused to leave either of their minds but they were too nervous to admit it.

Taking a final glance at herself, she readjusts the tight black dress she was wearing just a tiny bit so it would end at her mid thigh before walking out of the room and beginning to make her way down the stairs. She walks into the living room to see Mrs Gallagher stood on a small ladder as she struggles to stick up a huge birthday banner on the wall. Y/N slightly runs up to the other side and stands on a chair, holding up the other end and pinning it to the wall.

Mrs Gallagher gratefully smiles and turns towards Y/N. -"Thank you, love." The two steps down from what they were standing on and take a step back, looking up at the banner in satisfaction. That was when Y/N had begin to take in the surroundings, her mouth parting in shock at how well the place was decorated.

"Mrs Gallagher, this is great!" Y/N exclaims, walking to the back door of the garden and peering outside, seeing balloons scattered in the pool and everywhere with multiple tables covered in drinks and food.

The two walk back into the living room just as the door begin to open, revealing Aidan and his Father. -"Surprise!" The two Females shout. Aidan smiles brightly as he glances around the room before his eyes settled onto the girl in front of him.

His green orbs slightly widen whilst they travel down her body, the dress she was wearing fit perfectly on her like a glove which made him notice her beautiful curves. He walks over to the girl as she smiles up at him, taking in his black suit and his hair that was unusually slicked to the side. The two turn around at the sound of the front door opening again, seeing Aidan's family members and friends walking inside, Y/N also notices Bill and Tom together in the crowd.

They all walk outside to see people dancing with their partners on the dance floor as slow music softly plays through the speakers. Aidan turns towards Y/N to see her slightly smiling at everybody as he plucked up the courage to ask. —"Y/N, will you dance with me?" He asks with his hand outstretched towards her, his palm open whilst he patiently waited for her to place her hand on top of his. She looks over at him and then down at his hand, smiling with a nod as she places her hand in his and he leads the two to the dance floor.

Aidan and Y/N's eyes both train on each other as it seemed like there was an invisible magnet in between them that wouldn't allow them to look away from one another. Y/N has her arms wrapped around his neck whilst he has his around her waist just as the girl leans forward and rests her head on his shoulder, the two swaying to the slow music as they held each other.

"Y/N? We should probably talk about what happened yesterday.." This suggestions made Y/N lift her head up from his shoulder and look at him. She feels guilt immediately begin to build up inside of her as she opens her mouth to explain. —"Look, Aidan, I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I don't know what I was thinking—" She stops herself when she notices the small smile on Aidan's face as he slowly shook his head.

"Y/N, there is nothing to apologise for. What I meant was.. did you mean it? Did you actually want to kiss me?" Y/N breaks away their gaze and looks down at the ground as their feet carry on moving to the song. Aidan slightly bends his knees to looks at Y/N from below until she finally looks back up at him again.

"Aidan, I—" They were cut off when the music suddenly stops and was replaced with a familiar tune you hear once a year for you. Everybody piles into the garden as his parents walk in with a cake in their hands either candles lit all around the top. Y/N joins Tom and Bill's side to give Aidan and his parents some space for a moment as they all sung together until they finally finished. Y/N watches as Aidan closes his eyes for a brief second before opening them again and blowing out all the candles in one.

Mrs Gallagher places the cake down on a table before running her finger along the icing and rubbing it on Aidan's nose. Y/N giggles with Tom and Bill as Aidan struggles to get the white icing off his nose with his sleeve. Once he got it off, he too runs his finger on the icing and walks over to Y/N, smothering it on her cheek.

They all laugh as she wipes it off with the back of her hand whilst they make their way to a table, sitting down to have a drink. The four teenagers all talk together about random things until slow music begun playing again for the couples around them. Tom and Bill got up and walk over to two girls where they take their hands and lead them to the dance floor.

Aidan and Y/N sit in silence for a few more minutes whilst watching everybody before Aidan leans into the girl. —"Come with me, there is something I want to show you." He whispers just before he stood up and walks back into the house as Y/N slowly follows suit behind him. The boy leads her through the house and up to his bedroom before pulling open a trap door on his ceiling that Y/N somehow didn't notice and pulling down a ladder.

The boy climbs up first before reaching back down and grabbing the girls hand, pulling her up onto the roof with him. The two cautiously crawl over the steep roof until they finally made it to the top and comfortably sit down. Y/N looks ahead and only then notices the sky among them; colours of pink, purple and orange all mix in with one another.

"I knew you would like this." Aidan nods and slightly moves his body up closer to Y/N. She felt his eyes staring into the side of her head but refused to look over at him, keeping her eyes trained to the sky above them. —It's beautiful.." She whispers, making Aidan smile with a nod in agreement before looking back over at the sky.

"Aidan.. the answer to your question, if I really wanted to kiss you? I think I did.. ever since the day we met each other, I have always had a feeling inside of me that I couldn't work to know what it really was. Until what almost happened the other night." Y/N slowly explains, ripping her eyes away from the sky and down to her lap where she nervously messed with her pale fingers.

"After all this time?" Aidan asks, knitting his dark and thick eyebrows together as he looks straight ahead of him. The girl beside him looks up from her lap and follows his gaze to peer up at the water coloured sky again.

She turns back to him just as he did to her as well as she flashes him a small smile. —"Always." She whispers, the two leaning in closer and closer to each other which gave them both a sense of deja vu just as their lips begin to brush on top of each other. Aidan rests his forehead on top of hers and brings his hand up to her cheek, pulling her in and relaxing in her touch when he feels the warmth of her soft lips on top of his.

Y/N runs her fingers through his soft hair as his other hand rests on her waist, their lips both moving in sync with one another. This lasted for another thirty seconds before the two pull away at the same time for air, resting their foreheads back on each others. —"Like I said, always." The girl finally whispers as the two close their eyes and enjoy the moment.

This would be something they would never forget. Cradling each others cheeks whilst the sun set in front of them and the cold breeze sent chills down their spines as it cooled them off from the warm air. They knew it would work out in the end and everything would be fixed but they never stopped to think how good it would feel. But now that they had each other, they knew they wanted nothing more than this moment to last forever.


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now