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Y/N LETS OUT A SLOW DEEP BREATH in attempt to calm herself down. She had just received another beating from her Father after he came up with an excuse to the school just to take her out and torture her. It's gotten to the point where it is seems pretty normal in her point of view now, giving the fact she has had to deal with it for the past decade.

The girl slides down her wall and holds her head in her hands. Her lip was busted and blood slowly dropped down from the split part and onto her chin when she wiped it off with her sleeve. She wipes her tear stained eyes and blankly stares at the wall in front of her.

Her Father had gone out just as her Mother arrived home so it was just the two females. She debated on whether to tell her Mother about everything that was going on but only hesitated out of fear of her not believing her. Not to mention the fact every time she stood up to go down stairs, her Father's threat rung through her head over and over again.

She knew if she told her Mother and she believed her, her Father would hopefully go to jail and she would never have to deal with him again. But then if she told her Mother and she didn't believe her, guarantee she would go and tell her Father which leaves her with more beatings. She then came down to her final decision and decides to give it a go anyways; knowing that if it didn't work, nothing would change but if it did then everything would.

Y/N makes her way down the stairs and towards the kitchen where she heard faint music playing from inside. She slowly pushes open the door to see her Mother wiping down the counters whilst she slightly swayed her hips from the music playing on her phone. Y/N reaches over and pauses the music on her phone, making her Mother turn around and smile at her Daughter.

"Everything okay, Y/N?" Her Mother sweetly asks which made a small weight fall off her own shoulders. Y/N takes a deep breath and leans against the clean counter, lifting her hand to chew on her nails nervously.

"Mother.. there is something I need to tell you.. but i'm scared that you won't believe me.." Y/N closes her eyes tightly as she let the sentence escape her mouth. She knew that there was no going back now and she had to tell her. Her Mother softly chuckles which makes the girl open her eyes again and look up at her.

"Of course I would believe you. You're my Daughter, Y/N." She says with a small frown. Y/N slowly nods and takes a deep breath. She walks over to the table and pulls out a chair where she nervously sat down along with her Mother who sat down opposite her.

"Dad.. Dad.. he—" Y/N feels tears already building up in her eyes as soon as she started speaking. Her voice cuts her off and she lets out a quiet groan and looks down at her lap. —"Dad.. he— he.. hits me. And yesterday when you were out, he—" She cuts herself off when she looks up to see her Mother staring back at her with a disgusted expression.

"Mother?" Her Mother shakes her head in disgust and mutters something under her breath before standing up to her feet and playing her music once again. Y/N's mouth slightly agapes and she too stands up and once again turns the music off.

When the silence filled her Mother's ears, she slams the towel she was holding down onto the table and turns to Y/N. —"What the hell did you do that for? I am not going to waste my time listening to your sick lies about your own Father!" She screams, making the young girl flinch back.

"I'm not lying! Why won't you believe me?" Y/N screams back, tears already streaming down her pale cheeks again. She goes to tell her the part she had been dreading the entire time but before she could, she was cut off by her Mother again.

"Don't you think I would've notices if he was doing something so extreme?" Her Mother lets out a slow and angry sigh, placing her hands onto the counter and silently looking down at the ground.

"Mother.. please.." Y/N takes a small step towards her but her Mother quickly turns around and gets right in the girl's face. She jams her sharp nail index finger into the girl's forehead, which made her wince in pain as she felt a small cut being made.

"He ra—" Before Y/N could finish, her Mother had lifted her hand a slapped her across the face, sending her to the ground with a gasp. Y/N's shaking hand makes it's way up to her cheek and she feels small droplets of blood from where her Mother's nails must've cut her.

"Get out.. get the fuck out of my house!" Y/N doesn't waste a second before she scrambled to her feet and runs out the house without hesitation nor looking back. She didn't know where she was going so she just allowed her legs to take her to wherever she ended up to.

After running around for the town for another ten minutes, she stops and looks up at the house she stopped at. She walks up to the door and hesitantly knocks, making sure to keep her gaze fixed to the floor beneath her so nobody saw the state of her face.

The door slowly opens after a few second and Y/N looks up from her eyelashes to see Mrs Gallagher stood there. —"Y/N! What a nice surprise!" Mrs Gallagher smiles but that soon slowly fades when she slightly bends down to notice the blood on the girls face. —"Oh gosh!" The woman lets out a gasp and she gently cups the young girls cheek, scanning the cuts and bruises on her face.

Y/N and Mrs Gallagher hear the sound of footsteps and they both look up to see Aidan approach them with a frown. His frown instantly softens and his eyes hold great concern when he sees Y/N stood there all bruised and teary eyed.

"Jesus.. come with me." Aidan says and he wraps his arm around the fragile girl as he leads her up the stairs. The two walk past Tom and Bill who were hanging out at Aidan's house with him, the twins eyes following the two out of worry. Aidan leads the girl down the hall and into the bathroom, where he lifts the girl up and places her on the counter beside the sink.

Aidan rummaged quickly through his cupboard below them before pulling out a small green medical kit where he unzips it and gets a few supplies out. He stands between the girls legs and gently wipes the girls cuts with a wipe, muttering an apology every time she let out a small wince.

Y/N stays looking down in silence, desperately trying to hold back her tears but couldn't help the few occasional ones that escaped her eyes. Aidan places his palm on her cheek and gently wipes the salty tears away. —"Please don't cry, Y/N." He whispers. Y/N licks her dry lips and looks back down at her lap in embarrassment.

"You know what always helps me out in tough situations?" The boy and the girl both look up to see Tom leaning against the door with his arms crossed. —Alcohol. Us three have planned to go to a party tonight and I personally think it would be good for you to let loose for one night." Tom suggests with a shrug. The said boy raises his hands in a jokingly surrender and walks away when he's met with Aidan's cold glare.

Y/N notices and places her shaky hand on Aidan's arm. —"Maybe he's right. I just need one night to forget about everything." Y/N quietly says. Aidan pauses and scans her face for a moment until he nods in agreement, walking over to the small bin and throwing the dirty wipes away.

He walks back over to the girl and places his hands on her thighs comfortingly. —"You don't have to tell me what happened.." He frowns with the shake of his head. Y/N bites down on her lip and finally meets his gaze.

"I trust you." She whispers, her bloodshot eyes welling up with tears again. She swallows the nervous saliva that had built up in her mouth and began to explain everything that had happened in the past few days.


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now