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"YOU TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS? I WILL KILL YOU." His voice rung in the girls head like an annoying fly that just wouldn't go away. It was now an hour or two since the incident and she was still laying on the floor in the same place where it had happened.

She attempted to count the seconds, in effort to forget about everything that had just happened but it was no use. She slowly brought herself up to her feet and stumbled towards her wardrobe, her hand holding onto the wall besides her for support as she rummages through her drawers.

She now felt insanely insecure about her body so she pulled out a pair of loose, grey jogging bottoms and a matching hoodie to go with them. She slowly changed herself before climbing into her bed and getting under her bed sheets. The tears that still freely flown from her eyes, rolled down onto her pillow case which made a small puddle of water below her cheek.

Every time she closes her eyes, she saw the look on his face when he was on top of her. The palm of her hands, smack onto her eyes and she rubs the in frustration. The exhaustion was hitting her harshly but she just couldn't bring herself to fall asleep no matter how hard she tried.

She hadn't slept at all that night. She just blankly stared at her wall until the sun hit her face in the morning. She forced herself out of bed and walks up to her mirror, scanning her entire face to notice her bloodshot eyes, her tangled hair that was tired back into a messy low ponytail with loose strands spread out across her face and her nose slightly red from rubbing it too much.

She opened her drawers and looked inside for an outfit but every piece of clothing she pulled out, made her feel sick. She shoved them all back into her drawer and slammed it shut, rubbing a hand over her tired face.

The girl sighs and decided to not bother getting herself done up for school. She brushes her hair and teeth and pulls her hood over her face to which she decided was enough. She slowly walks downstairs, the sound of distant chatter on what she assumed to be the TV grew louder and louder as she got closer to the kitchen.

Y/N stops in her tracks as he hand hovers above the door knob, knowing who would he inside the room she was about to enter. She lets out a long sighs and twists the doorknob, opening the door with a long creak.

Her Mother was stood at the sink washing dishes. Once she heard the door opening, she turns around and looks at her Daughter. —"Good Morning, Y/N!" The women greets with a wide smile on her face. Y/N gives her a nod and mutters a greeting back at her and rests a hand on the table, stood there awkwardly.

She looks up when she feels eyes on her and is met with the eyes of her one and only cruel Father. She felt a lump form in her throat but she swallows it before clearing her throat. —"I should get going to school now.." The girl mumbles and turns to leave but freezes at the sound of his voice.

"Leaving without a goodbye hug?" Her Father asks. She turns around to see him lowering the newspaper he was reading with a smirk on his face. She glances to her Mother and sees her paying no kind and carrying on with the dishes

Y/N bites back her fear and shakes her head with a forced smile. —"No, of course not." She walks over to her Mother first and wraps her into a hug from her side. The Mother shakes the water off her hands and pats her back lightly.

"Is everything okay, Y/N? You never really wear that type of clothes to school.." The Mother then suddenly comments, looking down at her Daughter's sloppy outfit. The girl pulls away and forces a reassuring smile.

"I just feel like being comfortable today.. thats all." She shrugs and she seems to believe it when she nods her head with a reply. The girl slowly turns her body towards her Father and takes a deep breath before walking over to him and hesitantly wrapping her arms around him.

The Father looks over at the Mother to see her too preoccupied with the dishes so he suddenly shoved her into him and leans in her ear. —"I stand by what I said yesterday." He growls. Y/N lets out a soft whimper when his grip around her tightens harder.

He finally pushes her away and Y/N had to hold her throat to stop her from making any noises. Her Mother turns around after finishing the dishes and smiles at the two. Y/N flashes one last fake smile at the two before grabbing her backpack and leaving the house, not being able to stop the continuous tears that streamed out of her tired eyes.


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now