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THAT SAME DAY A FEW HOURS LATER AT SCHOOL, the duo decided to have a going out night. They couldn't come to a mutual agreement on where to go so Aidan said that he would surprise her. And after ages of thinking on the perfect place to take them, he decided to buy them both cinema tickets. But to a special type of cinema.

Y/N had given Aidan a small slip with her address neatly written on it, telling him to pick her up at 6PM. It was now 5:58PM and Aidan was walking down the exact streets she told her too and was looking around for the specific house that she had described.

Once he notices the house with the same number on the door, he walks up to the door and knocks on the door - not before taking a deep breath.

The door swung open a few seconds later to reveal a women who looked a lot like Y/N which made Aidan realise that she must be her Mother.  The woman wore a white stained apron around her waist and a small smile on her red lips.

"Hi there.. is Y/N home? We are supposed to be going out.." Aidan politely asks with a small tugging at the corner of his pale lips. He was eager to make the best impression possible.

"Oh, yes, of course. Let me get her for you." She says before turning around and facing the stairs. —"Y/N! There's a boy here for you!" She yells and Aidan hears the faint voice of Y/N screaming something back before he sees her rushing down the stairs.

Y/N gives her Mother a small kiss on the cheek before stepping outside and standing next to Aidan. —"Let me know your whereabouts and I will pick you up at about 11PM." Her Mother says and Y/N silently nods with agreement.

Once the two turned away and began walking down the streets, they started talking.  —"So.. where are we going?" She asks and Aidan couldn't help but detect the slight excitement laced in her tone.

Aidan smirks at the girl and reaches into his jean pocket and pulling out the two tickets, waving them around in front of her shocked face. —"You bought movie tickets?" She gratefully asks as he stuffs them back into his pocket and cocks his head to the side.

"Well.. I may or may have not stolen a few extra cash from my parents.." Aidan slowly confessed and Y/N looks over at him with wide eyes. It made him think that he had messed up for a second but that feeling immediately went away when she let out a laugh.

The rest of the time they walked to the cinema, they both talked about their day and found themselves chatting shit about teachers from their school that they didn't like. Before they knew it, they had finally made it to the massive shopping centre where the cinema was inside.

They were then stood in front of the entrance and handing the man their tickets, waiting for a few seconds before the man handed them back with a nod. The two thanked him and made their way down the hall and into the screening room.

Once they made it to their seats, they notice yellow raincoats draped across every seat around them, leaving the two confused. They shrug and sit down with the raincoats on their laps.

But just before the movie started, a disclaimer came up on the huge screen that told people it was mandatory to put their rain coats on. The two shrug it off and obey, slipping the yellow coats on their bodies.

They both sat in silence for most of the movie until a very intense scene happened and their seats began to shake violently and water poured down on them both. Aidan grabs onto Y/N's arm and looks up to see sprinklers above them, making him realise this was why they were told to put their rain coats on before the movie started.

"Were going to die!" Aidan dramatically screeches and covers his other arm that wasn't latched onto the girl to cover his face from the incoming water that splashed onto him. --"Jesus fucking Christ!" Y/N screams and they were both clinging onto each other for dear life. After a few more minutes of torture, their seats decrease from the shaking and the sprinklers slowly stopped spraying water until everything was back to normal again.

"Well, that was.. not what I was expecting.." Aidan breathlessly says. --"Fuck." He whispers and moves the wet hair out of his face and looks at Y/N to see her giggling silently, her hair and body completed soaked as well as his.

Aidan looks in front of him in silence for a moment as a mischievous smile makes its way onto Y/N's lips. --"Want to get out of here?" She asks and a smile immediately appeared on Aidan's face along with a quick nod.

The boy sighs in relief. --"Bet." The girl's smile widens and she grabs Aidan's hand, holding it tightly as they both run down the stairs and out of the screening room. They both scream and giggle like little kids as they ran down the halls of the shopping centre, people that they ran by gave them weird looks but they didn't show a single sign of care. They were both having the time of their lives and nobody or anything was going to ruin that for now.

Y/N lets out a final sigh and they both throw their drenched rain coats into a bin, leaning against a brick wall behind them. After a few seconds of catching their breaths, Aidan pushes himself off the wall and turns to her.

"What should we do now?"


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now