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A WOMAN LET OUT A PAINFUL CRY, as she clutched tightly onto her Husband's hand beside her. Beads of sweat covered her entire forehead and tears dropped down from her eyes as she kept pushing and pushing. The doctors around her kept shouting reassurance and she peered over her hospital gown to see a baby's head.

She lets out one last painful cry and pushes as hard she possibly could, sighing in relief when the pain slowly stopped. The sound of a baby screaming filled the entire room and she lets out a happy laugh, tears of joy now rolling from her eyes.

The Father moves forward to the Doctor who was holding out a special pair of scissors. He takes them out of the Doctor's hands and cuts the umbilical cord. The Mother looks at her Husband who was looking at his Daughter with a smile. The woman lets out a tired sigh as a doctor walked round and handed her the baby now wrapped up in a white towel. She held the baby in her arms and rocked her side to side as her cries slowly faded.

The baby lets out a soft coo as she looks up at her Mother with her big E/C eyes. —"She's beautiful." The baby's father muttered. He reaches forward and gently caresses the baby's cheek with the back of his hand, smiling at the small newborn.

The Mother let out a laugh and leans down to kiss the baby on the forehead, her smile widening on how soft the baby's skin was. —"Have you guys decided on what you're going to name her?" A female Nurse asks, a notepad in her hand as she smiles at the small family.

The Father nods with a smile and looks down at the baby with happiness. —"Y/N. We're going to name her Y/N." He nods. The Nurse congratulates them and writes down her name on the birth certificate, handing it to the Father with a smile.


"Can you feed Y/N?" The Mother asks. She was scrubbing the dishes from their previous dinner as the young child cries from her cot in her room. The Father lets out an annoyed growl and slams his beer bottle onto the table beside him, standing up to his feet.

"Do I have to do everything myself?" He angrily asks himself. The Mother pauses and wipes her hands dry with the tea towel from beside her. She storms out of the kitchen and towards the baby's room where the Father now was.

"Are you serious? Can you not be any help for five minutes instead of sitting on your ass all day; drinking and watching useless TV? I do everything around here! I cook, I work, I take care of a child and what do you do? Nothing!" The woman snaps. The Father looks over at her in shock, moving towards her before backhanding her in the face.

The Mother lets out a gasp and she cups her right cheek with her hand. Baby Y/N screams and cries at the loud shouting going on between the two parents. —"Ever since you had that fucking baby my life has been fucked!" The Father yells, pointing towards the young child in the cot.

"Me? It was your decision!" The Mother stands back up to her feet. —"All I asked if you could just feed her.." She mutters to herself and picks Y/N up out of her cot, walking out of the room with the baby in her arms.


Seven year old Y/N was silently sat at the table as she quietly coloured in her kids book. She reaches forward to grab another crayon but accidentally knocks her glass of water off the table. The kid gasps as the glass smashes and the water pours everywhere.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Her Father yells as he storms into the kitchen and sees the accidental mess on the floor. —"Clean this shit up now!" He demands with a shake of his head. Once he sees the young child not making an effort to move, giving the fact she was frozen in her space whilst she silently cried, he grabbed her arm and forced her down onto her knees but she held her hands out in front of her and a small piece of glass stabbed into her palm.

The child lets out a scream of pain as blood escaped the small yet deep cut on her hand as her Father just stood there. The Father mutters a few curse words with a roll of his eyes and grabs a small towel from beside him, pulling her up and sitting her down on a chair.

He pulls the glass out of her hand and wraps the small towel around her palm. The Father clenches his jaw and goes to walk out of the room but he stops and turns to her. —"You get blood anywhere, it will only make it worse for yourself." He warns before fully walking out of the room.


Seventeen year old Y/N lays against her bed frame with puffy red eyes as she stares down at the small scar on her hand. Her eyes began to water when she realises how long her Father has been putting her through stuff for. It had been Ten years since he had first hurt her. But if only seven year old her knew that it was only the beginning..


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now