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THE SAME TWO TEENAGERS were once again spending their entire day with one another. Today marks one entire month since they had first met so they chose to celebrate by going back to the first place they ever went together; the cinema.

They were both walking down a pathway in a comfortable silence until Y/N suddenly stops in her tracks. —"Aidan, it's blue hour! That means the sunset is about to happen!" She glances around her surroundings until her eyes land on a tall hill a few minutes away from them.

"We should watch the sunset up there." She says, pointing up to the top of the hill. Aidan looks up at the sky and notices that it is slowly losing its light. Aidan nods his head with a smile. —"That would be nice." Y/N excitedly grabs his hand and leads him over to the rocky side of the hill where they would climb up to the top.

Aidan lets go of her hand and carefully begins to climb up, Y/N follows behind and every now and then, Aidan would hold out his hand to help the girl climb even higher with him. After a few more minutes, they had finally made it to the top and the two slowly sit down near the edge of the hill and peer up at the sky.

There was a large lake in front of them which made the subways reflect on the water. They look up to see the once blue sky had turned into a beautiful pink, purple and orange colour. Aidan was caught off guard when he felt a small weight on his shoulder, he looks down to see Y/N's head resting there and her eyes slightly drooping as she took in close detail of the skies colours.

The two sat in a comfortable silence for another thirty minutes before Aidan heard a soft snore escape Y/N's mouth. He carefully looks down to see her eyes shut and her face completely relaxed, making his expression soften. He wraps his arm around her waist and lays her down on the grass before he lays beside her. The boy slowly closes his eyes and feels himself drifting off to sleep.


Aidan opens his eyes to find himself sat on the floor to what he managed to figure out was in a small bathroom. He heard faint music coming from behind him but that wasn't what he was mainly focused on. His arms were holding onto something tightly and he couldn't help but wonder if it was a person. His cheeks felt wet and his eyes felt heavy as his entire body shook.

The door from behind him slammed open but he didn't have enough strength to turn his head to see who it was. He felt a presence kneel down beside him and grab his shoulder whereas somebody else went in front of him and took the body out of his arms. As soon as he felt the cold air hit his hands, he began to thrash and grab out for the body that just got taken away from him, feeling a strong need to get it back.

He squints his green orbs as small as he could to try figure out who these people were and what he was just holding but everything was a complete blur to him. It was almost as if his brain wouldn't let him know certain details to this. His breath suddenly began to shorten and beads of sweat trickled down his face as the walls beside him grew smaller and smaller.

Until he was left in absolutely nothing but darkness surrounding him and no fresh air left to breathe.


Aidan lets out a choked gasp as his eyes shoot open and his body jerks up into a sitting position. His eyes slightly water as the clean oxygen enters his lungs, making it easier for him to breathe again. He felt a hand on his lower back, rubbing up and down which gave him a strong sense of deja vu from the dream he just had.

"Aidan, are you okay?" Y/N urgently asks, she moves round to sit in front of him with a concerned look. —"It looked like you were having a fit or something! You were all shaky and sweaty—" She cuts herself off when Aidan looks up at her with a soft look but she still was able to identify the small tears at the corners of his eyes.

"What.." The boy mutters to himself, rubbing his forehead with the palm of his hands as a small headache began to form. —"Yeah, sorry, just a bad dream." He says with a shrug. He wipes his palm on his jeans, wiping off the sweat his had wiped off from his forehead.

Y/N hesitantly nods before jumping up to her feet, looking around her which only then made Aidan realise it was pitch black. —"Well, come on we have to get home. Our parents must be worried sick!" Aidan gently grabs her hand that she had stuck out for him and she helps him up to his feet.

But Aidan couldn't bring himself to let go of her hand so the rest of the walk home in the dark, the boy held onto the girls hand as he silently asked himself thousands of questions at once. What was it he was holding? Was this a sign? Was this a warning? Or was it just another weird dream. Only time will tell. He thought to himself.


- 𝘼𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧 ,, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗗Where stories live. Discover now