The Roll Of The Dice ~*Part 2*~

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My Pet’s Possessive Ways

Chapter 20



~*Jed’s P.o.v*~

I smirked pulling myself away from the door, "Like that’s going to happen"

I walked over to the kitchen grabbing a knife sitting on the counter, playing with it. "They aren’t going to get any information from me, or Lori’s body is butchered up like a chuck of meat. Then they will never be able to get her back, they will trap her in limbo forever. "

I giggle, "Come at me Rosie, let the games begins"



~*Lori’s P.o.v*~

James and I were already heading back to the pack house. He’s been a week since i’ve seen Jack. That big idiot, I miss him, I miss waking up in the morning in his arms around me with pleasant warmth radiating off him. I missed his after shave scent, I missed feeling safe all the time when I was around him.

I sighed, looking down at the dagger in my hand. I’m supposed stab my body with this huh? It wasn’t a comforting thought. I suddenly felt tears threaten to come rolling out, God I need to think about something else before I end up falling apart.

I looked ahead staring at James’s back, I was tired of staring at his back so I forced myself to move forward towards him.

"James why did you want to trade your soul for a guitar?" I said trying to change my train of thought about me stabbing my body. It wasn’t too hard since this subject has been bugging me before I started really thinking.

"For music isn’t it obvious?" He shrugged me off.

I frowned, at his stupid sarcastic remark, "I know it’s for music but, why?"

He sighed, looking over at me with a thin line on his lips, "If I tell you why then you can’t talk the rest of the way back, deal?"

I nodded accepting the terms….for now..

"Alright I try to keep it simple for you so you can understand" He smirked. I glared at him, but didn’t say anything.

"My brother John died 3 years ago, his passion and mine was music; to express the soul itself. We harmonized and synced like two soul joining together coming to an understanding of one another. We both took each other to a whole different level taking each other higher. After he died I was left on the ground no longer able to bring my music alive."

I watched his expression change from pure happiness and admiration for his brother and changed to a ghostly smile when he went further into his brother’s death. In that moment I felt a little guilty of judging him so harshly.

"So I told Melrose to put my brother’s soul in my guitar. Now my brother is always with me playing with me, bringing out our passion and that’s it" He shrugged.

I paled, "You stuck your brother’s soul in your guitar!!" I asked in complete shock.

"Yea I did, John wanted it too, he wasn’t ready to cross over. You need to remember I’m a soul eater I had many conversations with my brother and one of the things he would always talk about was how much He missed playing with me so we both decided on doing this. Now only I know he is in my guitar and no one else can hear him expect for me in my mind. Now shut up until we get back to your territory"

I shut my mouth not saying anything, I mean what was there to say. Both him and his brother decided on it together. I admit it’s a bit ……..well not a bit it was a whole lot a strange but, then again my whole life and the people I’m involved with half the time are the strangest people.

My Pet's Possessive Ways ~*Sequel*~Where stories live. Discover now