Our Master Plans

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My Pet’s Possessive Ways

Chapter 8



~*Mac’s P.o.v*~

“Ahhh~” I leaned back on the wall listening to Levy whine for the millionth time already.

“Will you be quiet already?” I growled.

She sat at the edge of the 20 feet low hole under her, kicking her legs back and forth. We kept all the hostages in that hole. “It’s so boring; all we’ve been doing is kidnapping Alpha females. I haven’t gone in a killing spree in 6 months just to hide our trail”

“You know our orders” I closed my eyes trying to calm down, that girl really irks me.

“Ahh~ how many more do we need to go?”

“We have the Alpha lionesses of the East, South, and West. The Alpha females’ panthers of all sides, the alpha females of the serpents of all sides. Now we have the first Alpha female wolf of the North, we still need to get the others.” I suddenly hear the door open.

“Malice!” I hear Levy shriek out in happiness, I flipped open my eyes watching him come in with a girl with a chained leash around her neck, with her wrist tied in front of her. She just walked without the look of fear in here.

I still couldn’t get used to the fact this guy was Malice. He took over one of Levy’s living dolls with all the body parts she collects. What surprised the hell out of me is to see how well made it was.

“Levy dear, I need to be alone with Mac, for a moment. I want you to take a solo mission and go after the Alpha female wolf of the East.” Levy more than willingly nodded. Stupid love sick girl, she doesn’t even realize he is using her yet. She skipped out giggling swing her bladed hoop around like a toddler.

As soon as she stepped out of sight, I looked up at Malice still leaning against the wall, “What will you have of me Master?” I hated calling him that but, he was the only way I can have more power.

He smiled pulling the brown skinned girl, but the chain leading her towards a cage, that was hug over the deep hole. As soon as he put her in, he connected the chain to the top of the cage so she would try to move.

“This is the High Gyspy of Serine, she is the reason why we have captured all there girls from their homes. Everything will come into plan,” He smiled up at her, “Isn’t that right my dear?”

She held her head up high ignoring Malice. “Mac I need you to bring me the princess of Oracles, take the lion prides with you to use them as a distraction”

What?, “If you don’t mind me asking why do you need the princess, I thought you need to have a clean body spilled with no oracle blood? Wasn’t that the whole point of letting them kill you?”

He smiled walking over to his red furnished chair, kicking his legs up over the arm, while propping his head up with his arm. “Yes I do but, I need a claimer and a purifier. A claimer’s power can bring life and take it away while a purifier’s power can cleanses and heal evil”

“And you need them why?” I asked still staring at him.

“If you mix their blood together, you have an instant fountain of youth and gain immortality, with power that will triple the amount you already have. But, I must have a pure body that spills no blood or else it will reserve and steal the life from me.” He smirked.

“And the Princess is a?”

“She is a claimer”

“What about the purifier?”

My Pet's Possessive Ways ~*Sequel*~Where stories live. Discover now