Behind Closed Doors

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My Pet’s Possessive Ways

Chapter 12



He frowned even harder, “You were supposed to say, ‘here’ then let me kiss you, after I’d take you making you mine out here in the open. Besides, aren’t I more important than a stupid fight?” He said rubbing his hands up my thighs towards my core. I grabbed his hand stopping it, I grabbed onto one of his fingers pushing it backwards. He winced at the pain I was inflicting.

“If you don’t want to lose this finger then I suggest you drive me home” I grinned evilly at him.

He put a fake smile, “Alright, my little rebel, but just so you know I will have you under me, screaming for me to take you” He said kissing the side of my cheek, then getting inside the driver’s side of the car.

Unless you can make that soon before tomorrow night then I don’t think so.


~*Lori’s P.o.v*~

“Lori, if you take one more step-“ I moved forward slamming the door in his face, locking it. I walked towards our bed throwing myself on it, while screaming to the pillows.

“Lori! Open this door now!” He growled outside my door, using his Alpha tone. Pshh does he really think that is going to work on me?

“LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” I yelled wanting to rip him to shreds. Ok yes, we are fighting again. What can I say it’s a love hate relationship.


Jack and I were currently on the couch watching the avengers. I was sitting his lap while he had his arms wrapped around my waist with his chin resting on my shoulder.

Suddenly his mother came in with a worried expression; Both Jack and I were shocked to see her. I stood up from Jack as he went to his mother.

“Mom what’s wrong?” He said with his voice filled with worry.  She ignored him and ran to me pulling me it to a tight hug.

“Oh my baby girl, don’t worry we have the people surrounding the house so they can protect you. No one will get past us.” She said pulling me back with a serious expression.

I stood there dumfounded, “What do you mean ‘protect me’?”

“From the unknown people stealing all the female alphas from different packs; you and two other girls are the only ones left. Didn’t Jack tell you?” She said raising an eyebrow.

I pulled her slightly away from me and walked towards Jack, with my hand on my hips. “What is she talking about Jack?” I growled.

My Pet's Possessive Ways ~*Sequel*~Where stories live. Discover now