Can't Run From Fate Or Can You?

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My Pet’s Possessive Ways

Chapter 2



I let him go, he had saddened eyes but he leaned down, kissing me on my lips one last time then leaving out the door. It took everything had not to go after him begging him to stay with me.

Well at least I get to see Lori tomorrow; she always knows how to cheer me up. At times like this I truly wish I was never a princess. I hope father will accept and understand soon, I pray for it.


~*Stella’s P.o.v*~


I woke up in a room I didn’t recognize again. I sat up slowly to see I was naked with only a light bed sheet on me, I looked over to my side to see a sleeping man in next to me, snoring away.  I slowly made off the bed trying not to wake the unknown man. I picked up my clothes that was scattered around the floor putting them on without any hardships.

I walked over to the bathroom fixing my hair a bit and rinsing my mouth out. I walked back into the room pulling out his wallet.

“David Pons? Hmmm...” I said reading the driver’s license. I pulled out about 300 hundred dollars he had. I also took his gold watch, ring and car keys that were on the bed table with me stuffing it in my pockets.

I grabbed my small black jacket that was on a nearby chair slipping it on and my duffel bag. I quietly walked out of the motel, heading for the parking lot.

“Hmm ok what car did we come in again?” I said clicking the unlock button, I heard a car sound go off. “Ok that direction”

I walked over to a small black Kia soul; I opened up my duffel bag pulling out two license plates and a screw driver.  I undid the old plate’s replacing it with my own. With that done I threw the old plates away in the large trash can, starting up the car.

“Thanks David” I said smiling waving at the building.

Ok some of you are probably wondering who the hell I am, why I’m stealing cars and what not right? I’ll make this simple for you. My name is Estela Rosaria Reyes but, I prefer Stella; and I’m a werewolf shocker isn’t it?

I am rouge, and no it’s not some cliché reason, like someone is after me or I’m running from someone. I just couldn’t take the fact I was constantly being harassed about giving my family a grandchild and marrying off some rich strong wolf. Plus, following orders didn’t sit well with me, so you can see how that clashes with my alpha in my old pack.

Now I’m going to makes this even simpler, Wolves Law: You must be in a pack, Rouges will be executed. Why you may ask, because if you’re rouge for too long you will go insane. No one can ever explain it, but apparently your animal instincts overcome you and you become a cold beasty killer. The fate happens for all rouges so to keep it from happening you have to kill them or convert them into your pack.

My Pet's Possessive Ways ~*Sequel*~Where stories live. Discover now