Seeing Is Believing ~*Part 1*~

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My Pet’s Possessive Ways

Chapter 23


Recap: (Chapter 20)

"We are just going to have to risk it and hope Jack will beileve you and help us out. Otherwise we are both screwed, i won't get my body and my life back and you will never get near Jed thus losing your brother soul. We have to try it's the only way we dont have any other options"

He growled racking his hair furisouly, "This is so mess up" after a few moment he blew out a long fustrated sigh, glancing over at me. "So what's the plan then?"

Honsetly i didn't even know myself my engery i had in me was now bascially gone and barely coming back and i can't get into the house....

"We are going to get Jed to come out of the house" Which was easier said then done.


~*Jack's P.o.v*~


I sighed leaning back against the wall after hanging up on Heath. What the hell is going on? I know the rumors about Malice coming back from the dead was spreading like wildfire. But it was impossible there is no way that could happen...but Levy coming back an stealing all the Alpha females? What the would she need them for? She is smart enough to do anything on her own, she has always been a follower and they way she just kidnaps them instead of killing them all isnt like her at all, someone is pulling the strings. 

I just need to stop and just think of what is important.  Which is protecting Lori at all costs.

I rubbed my temples trying to rid of this massive headache throbbing like drums, "Alpha.." I frowned and looked over at the door. 

I sighed, " What is it Tyler?" calm thoughts. i don't need anymore bullshit but, I soon realized I might not have a choice.

I studied Tyler watching him fidget under my gaze, i knew something was wrong when I smelt fear emitting off him like a week old corpse.

"What is it"

"Alpha Falls, Rosie wanted me to relay her message "our Alpha female isn't our Alpha female....."

I froze trying to process what i was hearing, I felt anger spark in me, but quickly choke it down. They always said don't kill the messager just because you dont like the news.

"What do you mean? Explain now! No forget it! Bring Rosie here now" I demanded

"He doesnt need to i'm already here" I looked up to see Rosie coming in.

"Good then you can tell me, what the hell he is talking about"

"Jack, it's true that person in there isn't Lori, i know i can sense it. You have to believe me because, where ever the real Lori is, she might be in trouble" She pleaded, this was something that was rare of her.

I wanted more than anything to argue but, something inside me was agreeing with her. The senseable side of me refuse to believe a word she was saying, the fact is Lori was here with me, it has to be her but, my instints and my wolf were telling me otherwise.

I growled running my hand threw my hair, "Let's say you might be right, we still need proof. I won't have my men restrainting Lori if, we have no proof"

Rosie gave me a long hard stare, " I can do a truth spell but, i will need a time and a piece of her hair, then you will have your proof"

~*James's P.o.v*~

Fucking Lori and her stupid plan. I'm just supposed to walk in there and say 'Hey i know i almost killed your girlfriend last time but, now im trying to save her but~, you can't see her only i can' does she really expect something good to come out of that?!

Hell i didn't have a plan, either so this was the best we got. I could run and just leave her here but, i will lose my brother. 


1) Go with the plan, and mostly likely be murdered on spot

2) Run and lose my brother without even trying,

You could run you know

"Shut up John, your not helping by saying that" I smacked my guitar.

James your my brother I don't want you dead like me, you could make music without me.

I shook me head left and right, " No John, my music would have no meaning without you with me. So your just going to have to suck it up and deal. I won't back down and leave you"

Stubborn till the end, you sound like dad more and more everyday

I smirked, "You sound like mom on her period" I heard him laugh then he quickly faded back into the back of my mind.


This is what i have so far i wanted to post this chapter and have it finished by today but i got really sleepy and decided ill post this now and finish the rest tmrw for the second half of this chapter.

Goodnight enjoy the chapter :) love ya and ill post new family stories :D

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