Combining Forces

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My Pet's Possessive Ways

Chapter 25


If you don't understand refer back to chapter 22. Thank you -Christy Gumdrop


"What do you mean we are doomed?" I asked the woman crying in the corner with a younger girl holding on to her rubbing her back.

The blonde girl from earlier stood up in front of me making sure she was in my face exerting her dominance. "What the fuck do you know, that we don't dog?" she said in a low hiss.

I glared at her. "Like i said the woman in the cage told me before we were let down here with all of you." Seriously who does she think she is, i felt my own anger start to flare up.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, i looked back to see Jade staring at me intensely "Don't that last thing we need is to fight each other"

She was right; if we wanted to all get out of here alive we needed a plan, and part of that plan was understanding what everyone knew about this place and, the man named Malice.

I took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly with all my anger that was rising. I soon felt calm again.

"Hayley, right?" I asked

She glanced at Jade, and shut her eyes, "Yea that's, me" It seemed she had agreed with what Jade had said.

"Hayley, i know everyone is on edge, but Jade is right fighting each other isn't going to keep us alive."

"Fine" She muttered, she then looked at me with a rebellions look in her eyes. "I'm not a child, i understand that much."

I nodded. I stared at everyone getting in the center where everyone sat. I stood tall taking in all my courage i could muster up. "Listen everyone." I raised my hands, on the sides of my head. "I'm not trying to top anyone or, take over anyone's pack. pride, or nest." I let out a shaky breath, it's ok breathe stella, just breathe.

"I'm not a leader, nor am I a follower. I am a survivor, I was a rogue just a couple of hours ago, i just inherited the title of alpha not to long ago. During my time as a rogue i learned nothing was more important than, survival no matter who got in the way or who got hurt. But it's different now, I now see, that survival isn't just living. To survive you need a purpose to live, whether it's family, a goal, love, or even something completely different from righteous reasons; no matter the reason you have for living, you can't throw that away now and just give up. We are all here on this earth for a reason and, instead of fighting one another; I'm asking you to please lower down your pride and titles for just a moment and, see everyone in this room is the same."

I paused seeing that everyone's gaze was now on me, watching me intently.

"We need to work together, we may be different species and may have different points of views but, none of that will matter if we are dead. I asking everyone here to help each other for a truces until we all make it back home to where we belong."

"So, what's your plan then, i assume you have one if you can make a rant like that." Said a young girl who was fighting with Hayley earlier.

I stared back at her, "I do have a plan but, i will need everyone's help for it to work"

The girl reached out her hand, " Well then, what can i do to help."

I smiled, "First, i need everyone to tell me what they remembered before they got here, what did they smell, see, hear. Anything that can give us a exact location of where we are."

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