Connections, Friend or Foe

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My Pet’s Possessive Ways

Chapter 21 (One of My Contest Winners)


Recap From Last Chapter:

I walked over to the kitchen grabbing a knife sitting on the counter, playing with it. "They aren’t going to get any information from me, or Lori’s body is butchered up like a chuck of meat. Then they will never be able to get her back, they will trap her in limbo forever. "

I giggle, "Come at me Rosie, let the games begins"


Recap From Chapter 17:

"Awww they are sleeping how cute" I hear someone giggle, I looked to my side to see a girl with blonde hair bending down on her knees staring at me with a smile. "Ooo such pretty eyes, can I have them?"


She pouted, "I guess I can’t for now, he said I couldn’t harm you for the time being. Oh well I’ll get them later, they would be wonderful with my collection"

She reached out her pale white hand towards me, "Time to come with me, Malice is waiting for you"



I stared to wake up from sounds of chains raddling and the sound of a moving car going over gravel. Did I dare open my eyes? I guess I didn’t really have a choice in the matter. I opened my eyes slowly moving my head which was an extremely bad idea.

I groaned in pain, damn it that’s right the car crash, some creepy girl…..fuck I think I’m being kidnapped.

I opened my eyes to see I was in a van. It was dark and little light came in from the crack of the doors.

"I see your finally up"

I immediately turned my head seeing where the voice had come from. My eyes landed on a woman with wrists chained together connecting to the floor of the van but still having enough slack to move a bit but not much.

"Yea…." I stared at her trying to detail of her features for future purposes, I need to see if she is a friend or a foe but, it was to dark to tell.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

She smiled straightening up her back, "I’m Jade Murdock, the Alpha Female of the Northern Pride" She said full of power, she knew who she was and wasn’t afraid to say it. She much be one powerful person boost like that or a very vain person.

She stared down at me, "And you are?"

"My name is Estela Rosaria Reyes but I prefer Stella"

She stared at me a bit longer observing "Your not an Alpha?"

I stared at her with wide eyes " Why would I be an Alpha?’

"We are being kidnapped because we are Alpha females, you smell like an Alpha"

"What do you mean I smell like an Alpha?"

She wiggled her eyebrow, "He marked you as his mate the Alpha of your region I mean. You can smell the power of your mate"

I blushed, you can fucking smell if a Alpha marked you, I know you can smell sex off people but never power.

"Y-yea I guess I am well I’m not sure actually"

She stared at me a bit longer, "What do you mean you don’t know? You slept with him so it must mean you are his mate and Alpha female"

"It’s complicated" I hung my head.

My Pet's Possessive Ways ~*Sequel*~Where stories live. Discover now