Seeing Is Believing ~*Part 2*~

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My Pet’s Possessive Ways

Chapter 24



~*Lori's P.o.v*~


I grabbed the dagger that will give me my life back, gripping it tightly to me.  I couldn't stand, I had no energy for it. Damn it, I thought for sure if James took off all the enchantments, I would be able to get in.


I lay there praying that Jack will listen to James and somehow be convinced that the person inside was not the real me.....Jack..


"My my, you seem to have caught yourself in a little unpleasant situation." I froze.....that voice..... I knew that voice.


I refused to turn my head a look I was too afraid to meet the truth.


"You're not real" I clenched my teeth, trying to convince myself that, he wasn't there. "You're dead, you're not real..."


I heard his footsteps move around me slowly. He intentionally moves slowly to torture me with his closing presence.


I was hopelessly froze, I stared hard at his legs in front of me, while he slowly crouched down, giving me a clear view of his face.....


"Surprised? Well i expected that you would be. Creating a new body wasn't an easy task but, Levy and i managed to put something together." He touched my face, grazing the back of his hand on my cheek, "How i missed you and, my dear Rebecca. But, now i will have you both back and i will add beautiful Michelle to our little family."


Malice......there was no way. A boy stood in front of me, blonde hair, green eyes and a small build chest. He couldn't be more than fifteen years old.


"Rebecca is waiting for us back home, we will have a small reunion and this time we will stay together as a family." He grabbed my arm pulling can he touch me?


My thought was pushed back when I saw a horde of shapeshifters in the forest. How are they not being noticed!


"Don't worry, they won't hurt your body or Michelle. As for everyone else, well I can't secure their well being." He smirked. I gripped the dagger picking it up high, and pulled my arm down hard.


It was in vain, Malice grabbed my wrist, holding me to him. "Now do you really want to waste your soul transfer dagger on me. Didn't they tell you when you visited the gypsy village, you can only use it once."


"H-how did you know where--"


He raised his hand bringing it near me. I flinched, trying to back away. I felt him cup his hand on my cheek. I felt him move close to my ear, "I'll always have my eyes on you sweet Lauren, even after death i will still be watching you."

My Pet's Possessive Ways ~*Sequel*~Where stories live. Discover now