7. Candy Wars- 2022 Entry by @Camilos_amor

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Candy Wars

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Candy Wars

Luna Nightshade, Camilos_amor


Candy Wars

Candy supply has run out at chb. Campers are fighting eachother to get more candy for themselves.

Warnings: none.

Annabeth Chase Pov:

There it goes. The last Halloween mega-size candy bag. Right in arms reach. I could grab it, but then the mob would be after me.

Sorry, let me back up. So, the Stoll twins (two identical brothers who are sons of Hermes) have been smuggling candy inside camp for years. Chiron, a white stallion centaur, finally told them to just open a SMALL shop to sell it. Emphasis on small. Well, the twins didn't listen to him exactly. They opened a lemonade sized stand for it but told everyone in Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter about it. Because Romans rarely get candy and Greeks are suckers for the stuff, they had to upgrade the shop size. Then Connor and Travis watched the Harry Potter movies and saw Fred and George Weasley's shop. Let's just say it's a dam close replica. So, everyone swarmed that shop. Until the shipments got delayed for 3 months and they ran out. So, everybody in each camp has a stash of candy ranging from 3 pieces to an entire closet full. People bribe, threaten, maim, bully, and trick others into trading candy. Or they just flat out steal it. Either or works. Anyways, it was getting so bad that Chiron and Mr. D had to 'ground' us from weapons. Except, certain people have magic weapons so it's useless to 'ground' us.

So, I was watching Connor Stoll sell the very last unopened bag of mega-size variety bag of candy. I was appalled by the amount of people who immediately followed Lucy, the girl who bought the bag. She was almost over run and stumbled many times just to keep ahead of the crowd. Crazy i know. But it's true. Give a camper some candy and he's gonna ask for more. I saw Piper Mclean one of my friends, probably my closest, wave me over to the dining pavilion. I walked up the hill to see what it's about.

Piper Mclean Pov:

I waved Annabeth Chase my closest friend up to the dinning pavilion where i stood.

"Hey, what's with the mob?" I ask her.

"Connor sold the last mega-size bag and Lucy almost got trampled getting it to your cabin." She replied looking down the hill. Lucy was my half-sister, and very timid. I was surprised she would brave the crowd to buy the hurkin thing. Personally, I wasn't really into candy that much and found the entire thing as children bickering. But I understand it, so I won't judge too harshly.

"I'll make sure Lucy has a place that only she and I will know about to stash it, so no one steals it." Annabeth nodded her head. Then she got a confused look on her face.

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