6. I Crashed Into Your Life, Literally- 2023 Entry by @Fictional-Thoughts

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Serpentine, Fictional-ThoughtsShe/HerI Crashed Into Your Life, LiterallyWhere Estelle is Percy's cute little matchmakerContent warning: Mentions of knives near the end

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Serpentine, Fictional-Thoughts
I Crashed Into Your Life, Literally
Where Estelle is Percy's cute little matchmaker
Content warning: Mentions of knives near the end

It was a crisp morning in Manhattan when Percy Jackson and his young half-sister Estelle Blofis were walking in the New York streets. Estelle wrapped her tiny fingers around Percy's index finger as they walked around and admired the city's scenery. Estelle's bright blue eyes were blown wide as she took in the bustling streets, unique people, and towering skyscrapers.

Percy looked down at Estelle with a glowing smile on his face. "Isn't New York just absolutely breathtaking?"

"Yeah!" Estelle jumped excitedly. "Look at all of these shops. And towers. And castles!"

Percy laughed. "These aren't castles, Stella. They're skyscrapers."

"Sky-scwapers." Estelle rolled the word on her tongue. The word felt strange. "When can we go to a castle? And when can I meet a pwincess?!"

"Soon, Stella, soon," Percy smiled.

The pair reached a crosswalk and waited for the light to turn into a bright white figure of a walking person. They crossed the street and reached the other side of the street safely.

Percy checked his watch and his green eyes widened. "Oh, look at the time! Stella, it's time to head home now."

"But I didn't meet a pwincess yet," Estelle whined.

Percy looked at her apologetically. "I know, but maybe next time-"

"AURORA, LOOK OUT!" Estelle suddenly screamed.

Percy stopped mid-sentence in shock and turned around to see what she was screaming at. A young, blonde woman was crossing the street in a rush and a bright yellow cab was racing toward her at an alarming rate, seeming out of control.

Everything seemed to slow down as Estelle let go of Percy's hand and ran as fast as she could toward the woman on her short legs.

"Stella, no, stop!" Percy yelled, chasing after.

It seemed to be too late as the cab drew closer and closer and Estelle jumped onto the street to try to reach the woman. The woman seemed confused at Estelle's appearance until Estelle pointed in the direction that the cab was coming from. The woman's eyes widened.


The cab was only a second away from hitting the woman and Estelle.

Percy sprinted onto the sidewalk, grabbed the woman's waist tightly, picked up Estelle, and jumped out of the way just in time for the cab to speed past them and crash into a midnight black car with great force. Percy thanked the gods that he didn't turn into a Percy-pancake just then.

Even though Percy jumped away in time, his back crashed into the concrete sidewalk and he let out a painful groan. That would leave a nasty bruise he'll have to deal with later.

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