8. After it All- 2023 Entry by @thegeekyindian

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A_Sri, thegeekyindian

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A_Sri, thegeekyindian


After it All

What happens after the battle with Gaea.

PG-13 violence

It was the aftermath of the battle with Gaea. Everyone was present on Mount Olympus or everyone alive after the fateful day. There were casualties and the war heroes were mourned including Leo who destroyed Gaea in a ball of fire. The gods decided to reward everyone for their efforts in the war.

"Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon" boomed the king of gods Zeus.

I was startled and jumped out of my bones at the thundering voice. Annabeth rubbed my hands which was joined with her. We were never separated for more than a few moments after escaping that cursed place. She pushed me forward but I was not going to face the gods without her so I pulled her along with me. Both of us kneeled in front of the Olympians.

"Rise, Saviors of Olympus," spoke Hestia with her calming voice.

We both rose and looked towards the gods.

"I think no one here can debate that you both have done a service to Olympus that is incomparable. So, after coming to an almost unanimous decision, we have decided to gift you both with godhood. As we know that Perseus has declined godhood once before but we will appreciate it if this time you both accept this." said Athena.

I looked over at Annabeth and knew my answer, no our answer.

"We are grateful for the offer, but I am sorry that we decline once again. But we want something else in its place."

Zeus was not pleased with that answer and it was visible on his face, but instead of all that my father was happy and everyone else was shocked as I declined godhood not once but twice.

"What is it that you want this time, boy?" roared Zeus.

"Leave us alone," I said with such confidence that I even surprised myself.

"Leave us alone. Leave each of us alone. Don't bother us with quests unless we ask for them or it is of utmost importance. Just let us live our life and don't interfere if you just want to be like you own us and not act as parents.

After my mini rant, everyone was looking at me like I had grown a second head. Zeus was looking purple out of rage.

"Ok," said Athena.

Now everyone was looking at her like she had grown a second head including me.

"Ughhh..." was my smart reply.

"Ok. We agree. We can do that. Can't we? These heroes here have done more for one lifetime. They deserve it. All in favour."

Everyone raised their hands except a few. My father was smiling down at me with a proud look.

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