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sebastian's pov
I hate when mom and Sam are right.

A stubby girl stood, hand assertively on her hip- her hair was choppy and short, with a strand or two dyed with an obnoxious color, waiting expectantly. What mom said was right, she had a septum, and her ears were decked out with metal, from her lobe to her helix. Although physically she was attractive, something specifically about her gaze drew me in.

As I studied her, my eyes trailed up to hers. Her olive irises seemed to be quicksand, engulfing anyone who dares to stare at them, then you'd be instantly hooked. She had smudged eye liner hugging her waterline, and spikey lashes. She was not what I was expecting when I heard "farmer."

Her vision darted away to my mom; I felt my face heat up realizing I had been- not very subtly- checking her out.

My mom seemed to notice this, and let out a hoot, "Well, Mae, this is my son I was talking about- Sebastian!"

"Hi, Sebastian! I love your hair," Mae grinned, flashing a silly smile. I noticed she had a gap tooth- I never knew a smile could be so enticing- let alone teeth in general.

"Ah, hey... Thank you?" I mumble, avoiding anything but her eyes. She had countless unique features that if you told me they would draw me in I'd laugh in your face!- Who is this girl and why does she have this effect on me?

"I- uh- like yours too, the mix of colors look sick," I say back, not as enthusiastic as I planned it out in my puny head. But the message got across, and she smiled again, her eyes squinting as she does so. Being capable of making her smile that infectious smile brewed a heavy feeling deep inside.

"Ahem, well I should probably get going. That farm isn't going to clean itself up, huh? See you around, Robin-" She paused, and sweetly smirked. "...and you too Sebastian."


After that day of meeting Mae, it seemed my life had flipped upside down. Each day she'd stop by, greeting mom, discussing the progression of the farm, and I'd try and nonchalantly emerge from my room to get her attention, but end up gawking at her instead. Here's how the past days would typically go:

"Ah yes, my parsnips have sprouted, I'm so excited!" Mae squealed, flicking a coin to Robin.

"Big day, hm? You're getting a chicken coop from yours truly, and your plants are sprouting... Next thing you know you'll get bags of money!" Mom joked, scribbling a note on a pad.

Leaning against my door, I listened in. Mae is so hard-working, it's admiring, leaving a life in the city for this shitty farmer job... I wonder what made her leave? I brushed off the thoughts that don't pertain to me, I shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Time for my entrance.

Pushing open the door, I narrow my eyes down the hall. The conversation between the two died down, as I shuffled by, I felt two sets of eyes burn into my side.

"Sebby? Why don't you say hi to Mae?" Mom asked, stopping me in my tracks. Great. She ruined my plans- I wasn't trying to ignore her- or maybe I was...

"Oh, Mae sorry... I didn't see you there," I lied, turning on my heel to face her. She was, of course, as beautiful as ever.

Her cheeks were flushed, probably from the beaming sun, and the excruciating heat. Her loose figure leaned against the reception desk. She wore a pair of faded overalls- way larger than her intended build- and formerly white converse, now dotted with streaks of dirt. It showed that she attempted to put her hair up in a ponytail- but failed with rowdy strands falling out due to her immensely short hair. Her skin seemed to darken from toiling in the sun, her once smooth, porcelain skin turning fair.

She stared up at me, a slight smile laid on her glossy lips. My heart sank, not of despair, but of her. I felt it melting inside the chamber of my chest. I wonder what she feels about me...


"I literally told you so, sea-bass. I should totally get paid for this; I KNEW YOU'D LOVE HER!" Sam blabbed about as we strolled to the saloon. Finally, Friday, time to let loose- by which I mean kick Sam's ass in pool and take care of drunk Abigail.

"Okay, pause. I don't love her, but I can't lie- she's crazy hot," I correct him, and get the door to the pub, guiding Sam in with my hand. Although it's true, I don't love her, heaps of thoughts jumbled in my mind wanted to change that.

"Sure, sure. 10 bucks says you'll fall in love,"

"Man, easiest 10 dollars of my life, I guess,"

"Seb, Sam, come here!" Abigail hollered from the far room of the saloon- our reserved "outcast hangout."

We shuffled over, noticing Abi seemed to be a bit more hyper, and agitated. "What's up...?" I ask, racking up my cue- (the stick used for pool.) "Did you already pound down a beer?"

"Pssh, shut up- you've probably heard of the new farmer girl- total babe by the way- but she's supposedly friends with Barbie and Ken!" Abi hissed, flailing her arms around.

Sam and I stopped in our tracks, and slowly turned over to Abi. The color seemed to drain from our faces- how could a girl as cool as Mae- granted I just met her- be friends with those braindead assholes, Haley and Alex?

"Wha- she- them... Are you sure?" Sam rapidly said, in a hushed voice. He had set down his cue and was standing in place as if he were a stone statue- even with the bleak color on his face, he could definitely pull one off.

"There is no possible way, she'd fit in with us way more- if she walked up to those two, she'd get ridiculed like we do," I said, pondering, hoping this was just a rumor or misunderstanding- and how could Abi know so much, the girl had just moved here a week or so ago- she seems to find all the dirt regardless the person!

Abigail shrugged and stood from the plush couch. "Speaking of beer, I'm going up to get some-" She paused, her gaze intensified to the bar. "Holy shit- whad'ya know..."

There comfortably sat Mae, surrounded by Haley and Alex. They were all grinning, Haley delicately munching on a slice of pizza, and the other two chugging beer after beer. Their cawing laughter filled the room, how long were they there for anyway? They seemed to be having the time of their lives- I felt envious, imagine that!

"Let's go over to them!" Sam suggested, sipping on a Joja Cola- a ghastly drink that tastes like fizzy dirt water, yuck- then crushing it with his hand once he finished.

"Wha- are you crazy-" I started, reaching out and gripping onto his worn, blue jacket.

"Yeah, maybe they changed... and Mae is there, she could straighten them out if they pull something," Abi agreed and walked over.

Great, first a crush, now I'm approaching the two people I utterly loathe in the span of a week or two.

This is going to be... interesting to say the least.

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