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alex's pov
Ever since that day she hasn't been the same.

I sat comfortably on the grass, triumph fueling my snarky smile.

The sun just barely peered over the irregular hills, colorful splotches of red, pink, orange, and yellow painted the sky.

A beautiful sunset for the perfect day.

I had just lied to Mae about Sebastian and she took every word to heart. Although her painful expression left a pang in my heart, it was for the best; me, I'm the best.

The chuckled to myself as my mind wandered to a future with Mae. She looked different than when we were younger, definitely the opposite of my type, but no matter her looks, her personality was still the same and to die for.

I inhaled the fresh air, as a light breeze trickled by me, then sharply exhaled as a gash of pain pulsated in my back- as if someone kicked me.

"OW, what the hell is your deal?" I groaned, clutching my sides. I darted to the figure behind me to see none other than my future lover.

"Mae! What a pleasant surprise, babe. What's up?" I smiled, teetering up to my feet. I was confused on the greeting, but shrugged it off. It was kind of cute, her aggressiveness right now.

The longer I stared at her, the more my cocky smile slowly faded.

Not only was she aggressive, she looked mad- Pissed even.

Her once leafy green eyes were now fiery orbs that could kill, as if she were Medusa, but instead she could instantly obliterate you with a single look. Unfortunately, I looked like her first victim. I felt tiny goosebumps prickle my skin.

"Yoo, Mae," I awkwardly chuckled, scratching the back of my head. "What's wrong?"

She simply stared at me, still challenging me with her glare. Her hands were clenched, shaking with anger, tiny fingers curled
in a ball. Her breathing was heavy and sharp, every huff felt like one step closer to death. Then, she finally spoke.

"I fucking hate you."

Then she walked away,

just like that.

Short hair bouncing with her stride, the colorful strands illuminating in the setting sun. Her hands were still clenched as she walked away, head facing down at her feet.

I was at a loss for words.

That was days ago, though.

I visited her house the next day to see her cooped up in her bed. I attempted to talk to her, but that got me nowhere.

I repeated this everyday, each time she was in the same position, lying on her side, staring out the window. She was a shell of a person. It wasn't her. Eyes hollow and emotionless, cheeks sunken in. I didn't know what to do.

I went around town, begging all her friends for help, but all I got was cold stares and curses hurled at me.

I thought the least I could do was water her crops. So, that's what I did, every single day. The deafening silence, chirping birds taunting me. It was the least favorite part of my day- me at the eerie farm all alone was the best case of karma.

Today I expected the same ordeal; enter Mae's house to check on her, see her deathly state, feel sick to my stomach, fill her watering can, then go to work.

Well, I did all of that, but an extra step was added at the end; Sebastian.


"What're you doing here?"

The voice was raspy, deep, and full of acid. I felt the toxins of his words spew onto my skin with a burning sensation. He thrusted the words at me, as if the thought of me at Mae's farm was unthinkable.


"Answer my question," he interrupted, slowly approaching me. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, eyes devoid of any sentiment or emotion. Just like hers.

"Watering Mae's plants," I spat out, stuttering with each word. I never thought this stick of a man would scare me but right now he's terrifying. I sucked in a breath and carefully backed up.

"And where is she? Did she say you could do this? Hm?" He shoved question after question down my throat, causing me to choke up on the answers. His eyes were daggers- no, lasers that are capable of melting one's face off. "Is she inside?"

I coughed out the words out, "No, she's not."

Sebastian stopped in his place, tilting his head. The slightest emotion appeared on his face, a mix of sadness and confusion. "Where is she then?"

"Well- she's inside but that's not her. She's... different." Looking down to my feet, I hitched a pained sigh. She was gone, and it was my fault. I shook away the despair, put on my strong face, and dared to look back up to face Sebastian.

His face was contorted in a hurtful expression, eyes filled to the brink with tears. His hands were propped up behind his neck for support, staring longingly at the sky, as if it would tell him an answer to his probable questions.

"This is all my fault," he spoke. Then, he shakily walked toward the door to the cabin.

There I stood, alone again.

Those words had been repeating in my head for days. But, to hear them from someone else felt like a surreal experience.

Why was it his fault?

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