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mae's pov
It was a bittersweet feeling, really.

The guy I had been hopelessly yearning for my entire stay here had said he liked me, but he also said he regretted it.

Part of me wanted to feel accomplished. I met a guy my type, and he happened to like me despite my freaky appearance- although he himself doesn't look too "normal" as a "typical person" would presume.

But the other part of me is clawing at my insides, gouging out my eyeballs, tediously trying to let my emotions that had bursted out prior to today to make it's second guest appearance. I wasn't going to let that happen.

Instead, I flashed a smile. Not genuine, nor fake. It was a hollow smile, really, and blinked my tears back into my system.

"Yeah, you're right," I bit my tongue, I felt obscenities bubbling inside my throat.

What do you mean "none of this would've happened if we hadn't fallen for each other?" Are you trying to place blame on me, as well as yourself, for Alex's jealous actions? Is it my fault for liking you? Do you even like me? Jeez, why don't you man up? Yoba- you're so-




Sebastian's eyes were wide, but not as wide as mine.

Mouth agape, I shimmied out from under his jet black duvet, and planted my wobbly feet on the ground.

Just keep walking, Mae. If he doesn't feel the need to stand up for his feelings, nor will you.

My throat felt scratchy and heavy, the simple word escaped out of my mouth, ringing through the silent, midnight air. The loud thoughts managed to force their way out of their chamber. Or maybe I just gave in.

Everything seemed so diluted and quiet as I pushed past the rubble of boyish mess scattered across the hardwood floor. There wasn't a creak, nor a single noise I could hear.

I felt vibrations behind me. A distant call of my name didn't register in my ears. It was far away. Very far away

Stomping up the stairs, letting out my silent anger. This room was tainted of love, confessions, and betrayal.

I reached for the doorknob just for it to turn on it's own. I froze and stared at the door swiveling open in front of me, and the quiet looks of shocked faces.

Chestnut hair in a messy updo, Robin staring at me in disbelief. Not far behind stood Demetrius, gripping his wife's hand eagerly to figure out what was commotion- except I didn't even know myself.

I stared, dazed, as her lips moved rapidly- yet I registered not a single word. Everything I did became aware to me.

I blinked. My lips were done into a crooked frown. I blinked again. I inhale, then exhale. I lick my lips, they feel extra chapped, as well as my dry throat. I felt a cold finger drag across my cheek. Robin's finger. She was wiping away my tears. I was crying, I guess.

Pushing past the warm bodies in front of me, I drag myself back to the farm. Had I watered the plants? God, I wish Sebastian would help me as he would usually do.

Wait, what?

No, I don't wish that. I need to hate Sebastian, right?

I felt my thoughts fog up my mind, as well as my soul. Was I even conscious? Where was I?

One foot in front of the other.

A scatter of buildings filled up the land.

Oh. I made it into town? Why do I feel a hand on my shoulder? Oh no- is it...

I slowly turn my head, expecting to see a jet black nuisance- but instead I see the opposite.

Practically a golden retriever. Spikey blonde hair, with an infectious grin, stood before me. His head was cocked, and he looked confused.

I think Sam was exactly what I needed right about now.

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