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mae's pov
"Geez, Alex, slow down will ya'?"

Alex dragged me along the dirt path as if I were an incompetent child. His grip on my hand started to burn.

"Sorry, sorry," he huffed, eyes glued to the ground. "It's just-... nevermind."

I peeked over at Alex, I had never seen him so dazed before. His eyes were stern, his usual quirky grin- nonexistent. His fists were tight into a ball, twitching with what I could only assume was anger.

"Lex, what's up?" I worriedly mumbled, nudging his arm.

"Nothin' much baby, how 'bout you?" he joked- but there was hesitance in his voice.



"Well if we're being serious, I don't want you seeing that Sebastian guy," Alex firmly grumbled. He had stopped walking now, back turned towards me, head hanging low.

"What?" I asked, approaching him. "I'm sorry, but that is none of your business."

Alex took in the information, nodded, then continued walking.

"Look," I jog up to him and calmly grab his shoulder, "I'm not seeing Sebastian- and even if I was, why would that be a problem?"

Alex let out a hearty laugh, avoiding eye-contact with me and focusing on nearby nature. "Isn't it obvious? I love you."


I jolted awake with a harsh gasp.

What kind of dream was that?

Drenched in sweat I forced myself up- head ruthlessly pounding. Last night seemed to be a blur- hazy flashes of it spun in my mind; downing a concerning amount of alcohol, uncontrollably crying, nuzzling into a chest that smelled of tobacco and pine wood, then laughing my heart out with Alex-

Wait- Alex... There's no way he loves me, he himself clarified he loved me as a friend- vividly I could recall a moment when we were kids, I confessed to him and he turned me down- damn, baby-Alex can be ruthless... In fact, he said, "Never in a million years, ew!"

I took that to heart, and my childish feelings faded.

Maybe I'll ask him on that matter- it never hurts, right?

"Mae? Are you here?" A voice called from the other room. It was raspy and low, but oddly melodic.

"Sebastian, is that you?" I gulped, swiftly combing my shaggy hair with my fingers, and wiping the crusty drool laying around my lips. "I'm here!"

Footsteps approached, then there he was. His eyes were sunken in, purple bags noticeably showing. He had a slight crooked grin on his face- in fact I don't think I've seen him smile- it was cute! In his hand he clutched a brown paper bag, messily creased.

"I- uh- brought you something..." He mumbled, shuffling to the bed. He sat down on the bed, then proceeded to open the bag revealing a box of Tylenol and a paper cup- a strong whiff of coffee wafted out of it.

"Wow, thank you so much!" I beamed, taking the products, an automatic grin forming on my lips. He's so considerate and awkward that it makes my heart thump like crazy.

He returned the smile and looked down- lost in thought. "Hey, Mae? Has anyone told you how incredibly beautiful you are?"

Choking on the coffee I was sipping; I bring my hands up to my face. I felt the warmth of my cheeks rise. Who does he think he is, coming in here being a total sweetheart, then making me swoon so hard it aches?

"I- well- aha..." I stutter, craning my neck to the window to hide my face- suddenly trees and my crops are very interesting! My grip on the coffee tightens, little dents forming at my fingertips.

"Just think about it, hm?" Sebastian lowly chuckled and arose from the bed to leave. "I'll catch you later? Maybe we can hang near the lake at my house, I usually sneak out to take a smoke break there."

"Mhmm..." I hum, looking anywhere but at the dark figure staring at me. "Bye-bye..."

Curse this boy, how can he switch up so quickly- I never knew he had a flirty side to him, but I'm starting to enjoy it.

Deep down inside I felt a warm tingling sensation. Biting my lip, I snatched a pillow and shoved my face into it, a wide smile displayed on my mouth.

I came here to getaway and planned to be a farmer engaged in her craft- but instead I'm a silly farmer falling in love.

sebastian's pov
"What was I thinking, why did I suddenly act all creepy?!"

I slammed my head on the uneven wooden planks of Mae's cabin, hoping it would knock some sense into me.

Slouching back, face matching with a literal tomato, my insides seemed to churn, cringing at my recent choices. I could've just cut it off after I gave her my "hangover medkit," but nooo, I just had to speak my mind for once.

Just then, I heard the crunching of leaves approaching- someone was coming.

I quickly stood up from against the cabin, and nonchalantly shuffled away from Mae's abode.

Eyes to my right, I admired the endless lines of crops Mae had planted, most of them were sprouting- some may have even been ready for harvest. A rich batch cauliflower crowned out from behind the vibrant leafy greens.

"Sebastian, what're you doing here, man?"

I slowly shifted over to see a brunette man glaring so furiously at me it was like I murdered his dog right in front of him.

"Oh, hey Alex..." I awkwardly greet, flashing my hand up to wave, then immediately put it back down at my side

"Are you gonna answer my question?" He asked, voice monotone and flat. His expression was mixed with countless different emotions- he was so blatantly obvious when it came to reading.

"I just visited Mae, that's all," I shrugged, and began to walk away- but a forceful grip pelted my shoulder, causing me to halt.


"Why not?"

"Don't act so cocky, buddy, I'm just looking out for my- friend..." Alex spat out the word like it were pure acid.

"Well, she drank pretty heavily last night-"

"I know," he crudely interrupted.

"-so I assumed she would have a hangover. I just gave her some stuff to shake it off, y'know?" I grumbled, flicking my shoulder to get rid if his crummy hand.

Once walking quite a distance, I looked back to see Alex chugging a hazel-colored liquid, fingers tensing from the access amount of caffeine. On the ground next to him was a crumbled bag with multiple types of medicines spilling out onto the dirt.

Looks like I wasn't the only one who had the idea of helping Mae out.

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