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mae's pov
"So, lemme get this straight, you like that gloomy freak?"

I glared at Alex and swatted him with the greasy slice of pizza.

"Hey, watch my hair, man!" Alex squeaked, leaning back in his chair- but ultimately falling to the floor with a crash. The surrounding people swiftly eyed him, surprised the golden-boy would act up like this, but shrugged it off moments later. "But I guess I can't trash talk him when..." he paused and analyzed me. "...when you look exactly like one of them-"

"You're making them seem like they're bad people who- like- kidnap children! They're actually really fun to talk to!" I fired back, gripping onto the pizza, it had become more of a prop rather than food.

"Mae, I'm just sayin'... I've known you forever, it's just weird seeing you all... Doom-ey and gloomy like, ya'know?" He explained, fiddling with his beer.

"Who would've thought, huh? You saw her last when you were- like what- five, and now she's..." Haley stops and intensely stares at me. "-like 20 somethin', and she's changed! Oh no~, someone alert the church elders!" she continued, joking around.

It was true, ever since I could remember I had been friends with Haley and Alex. I considered them one of my first ever friends- and I'm so grateful for them. They understood the hardships of my life, and rather than put me down for them, they raised me up. I couldn't have asked for better people. They each had their share of past too, but don't let that effect their lives. I look up to- and sometimes envy- them.

"Wow, Haley! I thought you'd be the one complaining about how- what did you say- doom-ey and gloomy- I've become!" I beamed, admiring my newfound respect for Haley.

She merely glanced at me, cheeks flushed harshly with embarrassment, and scowled. Sapphire blues eyes morphing into a crashing sea amongst a thunderstorm. But, as she always does, eventually gave up and eyed behind her.

I noticed Haley had taken a liking to the table out back- so had I. There collectively sat Sebastian, Abigail, and Sam, chirping away. They seemed so wonderfully weird, and I yearned to hang out with them. Especially with Sebastian.

"Yeah... I'm a little shocked too, something must be wrong," Alex hissed, creeping towards Haley. It was as if he were a predator sneaking up upon his prey- except that "his prey" was much more assertive and feistier than he was. "I thought for the longest time you hated those outcasts, hm? What's up with that?"

Haley slammed her fist down on the table, shaking everything on it. Startled, Alex hopped back to his seat. "I just opted of maturity; I know it's hard for someone like you to understand."

"Guys, guys, chill out! It's not big dea-" I started- but never finished.

"Speaking of no big deal- would it be so big of a deal if we hung out with you guys?" a voice from behind Haley cheerfully asked.

Sam, Sebastian, and Abigail stood expectantly, staring at me for my acceptance.

I looked amongst my table, Alex was shocked to his very core, mouth agape, but Haley looked rather on board with the situation. A glimmering smirk was on her lips as I saw her making sharp looks at Abi.

"Uh, sure, why not? The more the merrier!" I gleamed, pointing to some spare chairs on the table next to ours.

"That saying is so weird, isn't merrier like merry- and isn't merry apart of Christmas? Y'know like Merry Christmas, why do people say that?" Sam went on and on, sharing his theory on Christmas that really had no rhyme or reason to it. But how enthusiastic he was made it worth it.

Although Sam's story seemed to continue forever, something else that seemed everlasting was the eyes of Sebastian on me. They were like laser-beams melting my skin off with how rosy my cheeks had become. It was so unbearable.

When I first met Robin, she had explained she had a son- I never expected such a brooding figure to appear from beyond that door.

Recalling the first time I laid eyes on him, he begrudgingly stomped up the stairs. His raven-black hair effortlessly swooped every which way- but he pulled it off just nicely. Eyes cold, and hollow, but deep inside there was a beacon of light. I felt utter shivers as his eyes searched mine. Up until then "love at first sight" was total scum. I ached to know what he thought of me- if it were anything at all.

He would sometimes gives me bitter stares, it felt as if he hated me. I didn't know what to think, but I sure as hell wanted to find out!

"I'm going out to smoke,"

Everyone stopped chattering and looked up at Sebastian arising from the table, B-lining to the door. Silence took a toll on the table- but solely ending seconds later. The conversation fluctuated so much I couldn't keep track, but nodded along as I was in a daze.

"Mae...? You alright? You've just been staring into space, nodding along, and chugging beers," Alex muttered, reaching over to knock down the pyramid of canned-beer Sam had been stacking.

I shook my head- but instantly felt woozy.

"I guess I wasn't paying attention, the buzz just hit me, imagine that!" I chuckled, motioning my hand to encourage others to laugh too. "I'm going to get some fresh air and take a smoke."

"You smoke?! Jesus, aren't you taking the bad-girl, gloomy lifestyle too seriously?" Haley asked, breaking eye-contact with Abigail.

Chuckling once more, I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out a carton of cigarettes and shake it, showing it off to the table. "More like street, city lifestyle, sweetie- it's not as glamourous as it seems," I say, and head to the door, head throbbing with the effect of alcohol.

"Don't fall!" Sam called after me, voice wavering from booze as well.

"Can't promise anything~"

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