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haley's pov
"Haley, get the door!"

I perked up as I heard my sister squeal from her bedroom. Get the door my ass, so what if I'm closer? - I do everything for her!

"Um, no thank you!" I scoffed, flicking to the next page of my magazine. Ladies with diverse looks dramatically posed in bedazzled outfits, I longed to be there right alongside them, striking a pose in an obnoxious pink gown.

"Get the damn door! You're closer, stop whining!" Emily's muffled voice hissed from the room in front of me. I heard a sharp bang groan from her bedroom- her probably throwing a nonsense fit again, (sort of like I'm doing right now.)

"I'm not whining, jesus," I murmured, peeling myself off our ruby red cushions and to the never-ending-knocking. Throwing my hand firmly on the knob and thrusting the door open, I let out an irritating sigh.

"What do you wan-" Stumbling over my words I stared at the figure timidly standing in front of me, "ah- Mae! Sorry about that, what's up?"

Studying her, she seemed... off. Her usual assertive and intoxicating personality was clouded by a misty fog, bringing down the atmosphere around her. Slouching down, nimble arms hugging at her sides, her green globed eyes screamed for help- answers- something... Mae seemed lost, confused, not my usual Mae, the silly know-it-all.

"Oh, honey- come inside." I whispered, gently intertwining my hands with hers, leading her to the kitchen.

"Care for some tea- coffee?" I asked, grabbing multiple glasses and placing them on the marble counter.

"Tea, please."

Usually, Mae was the one who would help me- to see her so vulnerable was uncommon. Only a few times I've seen this soft side of her, she never lets it out, no matter how many rough encounters fly her way. The only times I've assisted her on a problem was with boys- the single thing I somehow understood.

Wait- that's it!

"What's causing you trouble- or should I say who?" I guessed, hoping the shot in the dark was correct.

As expected, her head darted up, eyes wide. "Of course, you know when I have boy problems!" She whined, nestling herself in our dining room chairs.

I let out a light chuckle as I reached for the cupboard, pulling out our tea flavors. "Spill it babe, I hate seeing you like this- although it's not often..."

Even when my back was turned, I could just picture her thinking face. Mae has a signature expression she makes when pondering- her funky gap teeth biting her bottom lip, button nose scrunched up as if it were paper, and her eyes stern and shifty.

"It's about Alex," she paused and sharply inhaled, "...and Sebastian."

The way she said his name let the whole world know she has a meaty crush on him. Her normal low, raspy voice flying multiple octaves higher when saying the mere name of Sebastian is honestly so adorable. The only thing that threw me off was hearing the name Alex squished in the beginning- what did that nuisance do this time?

"Alex said-" Mae stopped again, rethinking what she should say. "Well, he said something that makes me think Sebastian doesn't like me."

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