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alex's pov
As I peeked past the door, the sight I saw shattered my heart.

"What're you doing?" I barked, my voice wavering.

They sat comfortably on the ground; Mae's face nuzzled deep into his chest, and him, with his filthy arms tight around her nimble physique. He seemed to ignore my very presence, intensely focusing down at her. I cleared my throat, wondering if I might've not said anything at all, and that my mind was playing tricks on me.

Just then Sebastian looked up, eyes cold, and fierce- they were telling me not to come near- but of course, I didn't listen, and shuffled over.

"Mae-" I started, starting to wonder if she was asleep- but the following face I saw made my whole world crumble.

Mae perked up, her eyes glassy, filled to the brim with unwanted tears. Cheeks still crimson from the beer- at least I hope- her lips quivering. She looked as she did when she first visited Pelican Town as a child lost, and tense. She didn't know anyone but was anticipated on being as great and worthy as her grandfather had been to this town.

Thinking to back then made be nauseous- faint memories of my childhood romance that were so deeply important to me; kissing her chubby cheeks under the park when we were hiding from our guardians, tightly grasping each other's hands as we entered the Spirit's Day haunted maze, looking into her pouty eyes when it was her time to leave for the city. Those memories were dear to my heart, and this punkish geek is tearing them away and keeping the pieces for himself.

He doesn't deserve her- he doesn't know her like I do.

But of course, I couldn't say these things to his face.

I scoffed looking down at her, trying to ignore the gaping crater that had formed on my heart.

"Mae, that's enough fun for today, alright? Let's get you home," I sigh, holding out my hand for her to take- but only she didn't take it.

I stood there frozen, my face boiling from the rejection. "C'mon..." I whispered, silently pleading for her to accept my vacant hand.

"I can take her," Sebastian muttered, looking down at her, I watched as his hands squeezed her waist. That should've been me.

Mae's gaze still laid on me, but I couldn't bear to return it. Her face was unreadable, I don't know what she felt, was it amusement, guilt, love- so many possibilities but she didn't appear to be any.

Finally building up the courage, I stare into her doe eyes. "I insist."

She bit her lip, then nodded.

"Seb, I'm going to head out with Alex if that's alright with you?" she hummed, looking up at him. He only smiled back and sighed. I could see her squint as his breath brushed against her face. They looked as if they were already a couple- as if he had known her as I did.

"Well go on then, silly. Don't keep your friend waiting," Sebastian giggled, patting her back. Friend, huh? Is he trying to spite me?

I flashed a grin to him, gritting my teeth with such force I thought they might crack. "Hah- yeah, c'mon Mae-Mae," I whined, using her old nickname, offering my hand once more- and finally, she took it.

"Mae-Mae?" She giggled- it was so harmonious and pleasant, I couldn't help but smile of relief, my shoulders lifting. It was so reassuring, that laugh of hers. "I haven't heard that one in a while!"

We strolled next to each other, as I innocently wrapped my arm around her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. After leaving Sebastian behind, my worries and troubles died down.

sebastian's pov

"That was odd," I muttered to myself, ascending from the ground.

My legs felt sore from lying in the same position- for what it felt like- hours. I didn't want to disturb Mae, I have had my fair shares of sobbing and comforting, and I personally like it to be quiet and peaceful. I didn't want to force any information out of her. I had no idea what life she had lived, and just thinking what horrors she had presumably went through fills me with such rage.

I stretched, then approached the bar, but stopped. I shot a glance to where Mae and Alex had disappeared to. A bitter breeze shoved me forward.

Alex seemed quite agitated seeming me with Mae. Had they been a couple? Mae had mentioned they've known each other for some time... I didn't want to make things complicated for Alex, nor Mae- breaking up a friendship is something I'm not about-

I remember one time Sam and I had a fight over a girl- the one time I remotely liked someone- and we hadn't spoke for a week. It was hell, watching and waiting, staring at the front door. Every time the handle turned, I'd dive over to greet, who I was assuming, was Sam- but it was never him. The despair and awaiting seemed to continue for an eternity- that's the last thing I want Mae to experience.

Ever since hearing her troublesome backstory, I don't want to cause her any more unnecessary pain for her to endure.

But I'm sure I'm just overlooking the entire situation...

I step into the saloon, and immediately hear the table crammed with Haley, Sam, and Abigail.

"Ooooh, look who it is, Mr. Lovey-Dovey with-" Sam paused, staring at the door longingly. "Where's the Mrs. and her friend?"

I groaned, rolling my eyes exaggeratedly. "Alex walked her home, no biggie- and she's not my Mrs!" I sighed, hoping it was indeed "no biggie."

"Woah, woah, woah! Are we gonna have to take Dating-101 again, Mr. Sea-Bass? Don't let another man steal your lady, especially in the beginning of a relationship," Abi warned, shaking her head in disappointment, a hyperbolic frown displayed on her lips. She had ignored what I had said prior.

"Pff, Alex and Mae? No way- I mean he used to like her, but I don't think so anymore?" Haley butted in, snorting. "They argue like a cat and a dog!"

"You know what's interesting- Sebastian is like a cat, and Alex is like a dog... It's like little ol' Mae has to choose between two pets!" Sam pointed out, howling along.

I awkwardly chuckled, taking an empty seat next to them. "Yeah... Hopefully she's into cats more, huh?" I attempted to join in the ridiculing game, but the jokes seemed too realistic- like she actually had to choose between either or.

"Don't worry, edgelord, I'm like 99.9% sure she's into cats more," Haley reassured, patting my forearm.

I hummed in amusement. Haley wasn't what I was expecting- she was growing on me. She had said some shit to me in the past, but that was then- this is now. "A backhanded compliment..." I laughed.

"How is that backhanded! I'm reassuring you, loser!"

"You called me an edgelord- now a loser!"

We bickered into the night.

Maybe Stardew Valley isn't all that bad.

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