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mae's pov
"Alright, now that I'm all dressed, it's time to water the crops!"

Sebastian was still lingering in my mind as I headed for the door, watering can in my grasp.

As I reached for the doorknob, I watched it turn in it's own- a figure appeared from behind the door.

"Oh, Alex! You scared me!" I gasped, taking a few steps back. The dream I had totally slipped my mind, but just laying a thought on the matter twists my stomach into an uneasy knot. "I'm glad you're here."

His scruffy eyebrows shot up in surprise, shiny teeth appeared behind a cocky smile. "Oh really?" Alex sneered.

Rolling my eyes in annoyance, I push past him. "No this is serious!" I firmly said, but my voice never had a straightforward quality. Alex only laughed in response.

Making my way to the plants, I leaned over and tipped the can, water spewed from the cluster of holes drenching the sprout.

"Do you love me?"

Alex's bickering immediately silenced. Back turned towards him, my face cringed at the thought if it actually being true.

Sure, Alex is an amazing friend and I'm lucky to have him, but for us to be together- I can't even picture such a scene.

"Wha- what makes you think that?" Alex awkwardly giggled, shuffling around.

A gigantic weight lifted from my shoulders, I let out a relieving sigh. "Pff, I don't know..." I swatted my hand, slapping away any further thoughts.

We remained silent, I felt Alex's eyes on me as I tended to the crops- but he didn't say a peep. Thick, uncomfortable tension built up around us.

alex's pov
How the hell did she know?

Eyes zoned in on her frizzy hair, I observed Mae's nature. She was so effortlessly beautiful, I yearned to do so many things with her- from simply making her eggs in the morning, to some more rather physical acts if you know what I mean-

"W-well, what about you?" I huffed, blinking the unholy thoughts away.

"What about me?"

"Y'know," I started, strolling towards her. I leaned down, our faces resulting to be inches apart. "Do you love me?

I put on my smug face, and turned on the irresistible charm- grinning from ear to ear, I stared at her expression, anticipating a bashful change- but instead her nose scrunched up in disgust.

"What? No way!" Mae snorted, slapping her knees in delight.

"Right- right..." I exclaimed, standing up straight.

Why doesn't she like me? I thought as we were kids we had a mutual crush on eachother- sure, that was years ago, but I didn't forget it! Why should she?

"You know who I like, Alex," her voice faded into embarrassment, turning her head away to the clouds.

"Of course, you like 'em emo," I groaned, throwing my head back dramatically. Mae snickered in reply.

OF COURSE. I knew she liked him, but is it wrong of me to have some sort of hope?

If only there was something I could do to make her stop liking him. Think Alex, think!

"Hey, Mae?" A honey-like voice asked from behind.

We both spun around to see Caroline shyly idling against the cabin.

"My daughter, Abigail, and I have been having a rough patch recently... Do you possibly have any Amethyst? She loves ores like that, I'd love to give it to her as a gift," she pleaded, extending a hand containing a bag of gold.

Mae brightly smiled, nodding along. "Of course, Caroline! Come inside, I think I have some in my chest."

As they both left, a lightbulb in my head went off.



Mae successfully secured the bag.

We were leaning against the shipping-box, munching on the freshly picked blueberries, juicy, and tangy.



I deviously smirked to myself, "Abigail and Sebastian are friends, right?"

"Yeah, they're really good friends! Abi said they knew each other since they were just little kids, cool right?" Mae innocently blabbed, stuffing another blueberry into her mouth.

"Yeah... Cool." I, too, grab another berry and crush it between my teeth- juice splattered down my tongue.

"Why?" She raised her eyebrows, turning towards me.


"I heard from Sam that they like eachother."

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