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mae's pov
I felt like I was suffocating.

I gasped for air, prying my eyes open from my assumed slumber. Clawing at the mass on top of me, I was trapped beneath something- or someone.

My nails dug into the creature as my muffled mouth spat out quickened groans. I felt the person's arms tighten around my head, gently intertwining their fingers through my hair, and combing through. I panicked more.

The weight on top of me lessened, a messy Sebastian emerged from on top of me. The void of his black eyes blinked, vision adjusting to his surroundings. Once he had his eyes on me, they failed to leave. "Good morning, Mae."

My shoulders loosened, the knot built up in my stomach snapped free. Thank god.

Sebastian merely saying my name left shivers crawling up and down my spine. I felt okay again. Any past anxiety had dissolved just within a snap of one's fingers. A smile spread across my face.

"You worried me last night, you totally passed out and I didn't know what to do. My mom was already sleeping so I just took you down to my room," He was tracing my facial features, his bony fingers cooling to the touch. Circling my eyebrows, feeling the slope of my nose, dragging down to my lips. "What happened yesterday that had you so shaken up?"

Just yesterday felt like years ago.

"Yesterday," I hummed, rethinking back to my house with Alex, then to the stressful realization at Haley's, finally to Sebastian and Abigail. "Yesterday was... nothing!"

Sebastian's expression hardened. "Bullshit."

"Okay, okay," I sighed, my grasp on his black hoodie tightened for support. "Alex told me that Sam said you and Abi were..."

I cleared my throat and looked up to the man above me.

"-were sort of in a relationship?"

Sebastian's emotions flashed before my eyes. First he was shocked, mouth agape, emerging into anger, switching finally to amusement. "Oh Mae, you're something."

"Is that a compliment?" I snickered flicking his cheek, making him flinch.

"Abi is gay," he dipped to my ear and whispered. "How have you not realized?"

I felt as if I were malfunctioning. But with one simple thought it made sense. Her and Haley were inseparable, and obviously flirty. I felt so stupid, yet intrigued.

"Wait, so that means Alex lied to me?"

Sebastian coughed, his anger resurfacing. He sat up and slid off of me, tucking his chin into the nook of his arms. He let out a harsh scoff then shifted his eyes to mine. They bored into my very soul.

"Sam for sure would never say that, so your...buddy... must definitely be lying," he muttered, he was zoned out while staring at me. His everlasting gaze made the hairs on my body stand up. "He likes you, Mae, and I think deep down you know that."

I blinked. Yoba, it wasn't true. There had to be a bigger misunderstanding than the one that was just debunked. Letting my entire body go limp, I fell back onto the pillow. "Why does everything have to be so complicated?" I groaned, clenching the roots of my hair tightly.

Sebastian slowly inched toward the end of his bed, resting his back against the elevating bed frame to give me space. Pink lips pursed into a frown, and coal eyes squinting in thought.

It still hasn't hit me yet that I'm literally in Sebastian's bedroom right now. This is a dream come true, on top of the fact that Abigail isn't an obstacle I had to face. I used the chance to let my eyes explore this rarity of a room.

Black accents filled the entire bunker, with mahogany wood being a common theme. Having a mom as a carpenter really made his room decor consistent and clean.

There were various posters messily taped to every surface it could find, from different games, movies, bands, and books- most of which I recognized. There was a little window slot that let the moonlight flood into vacant crevices. Other than that, though, the room was too dark to make out the rest.

"I'm sorry for making this so hard, Mae."

My head perked up to a sulky Sebastian, eyes cold and distant. He fidgeted with his hands, tracing the streams of lines on his palms, he had calloused fingertips from overworking on his computer.

"What is there to be sorry for?" I chuckled, the thought of anything being his fault was absurd to me. He was the reason I kept trucking through the farm life. The city wasn't that easy to ditch after all, and although it was a pain in my ass, I'll admit, I do miss portions of it.

"I feel like I'm pushing my feelings onto you, and none of these problems would've happened if we hadn't fallen for each other," his raspy voice nothing but a whisper, pierced the silent air. As did it pierce my heart.

Was he saying that this were all a mistake?

I pushed myself up, sitting up with shock. The words of- what I could only assume- rejection coarsed through my veins, and into my brain. One second, he was caressing my face, the second he's saying how he wished we hadn't fallen for each other-


He had fallen for me?

Hey guys, sorry for the incredibly long wait! Thank you for all the support, and I will try to continue this story consistently. I've sort of fallen out of love with the plot, and have another Sebastian x Character/Reader story idea, but don't worry- I won't abandon this one since so many have learned to like it.

Thank you so much, and until next time! <3

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