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mae's pov
"Wait- what?"

Alex eyed me, his expressions unknown. I could've sworn I saw a deceitful glint in his eyes- I hope I'm just seeing things...

"I don't think that's true- Sebastian told me they were friends and nothing more..." I muttered, rethinking the past vivid events. Hanging out with Seb and his friends, laughing until my stomach and cheekbones ached, and my body glued into Sebastian's arms, the potent scent of earthy cigarettes I could recall anywhere.

Could I have misinterpreted their whole relationship? They have been friendsqq for an awfully long time, why would he all of a sudden na like a new farmer girl like me? i
"I'm just sayin' what Sam told me, sorry Mae," Alex sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder. His grip was worryingly strong, and a tad bit romantic. His arm slowly traced down to my waist- I tensed, attempting to shy away from the warmth of his hand fusing with the chill of my exposed waist.

"I guess I'll ask Sam about it to get the full details," I mumbled, popping the last berry in my mouth and slowly scooting further from him.

Alex's hand loosened, he sprung up from the ground, eyes wicked with shock. Pupils dilated, lips curved into a quivering frown.

"W-Why would you do that? How about I ask for ya'? I could get all the info while you do your... ya'know... farm stuff," Alex blabbed, waving his hands frantically. Weird...

"Uh, okay? I don't see why I can't just go- today was gonna be a day off for me..." I questioned, standing up as well, placing a hand on my hip defiantly. Alex's assertiveness dissolved, he instantly recoiled from my dominance.

Deep in Alex's chocolate-colored eyes told me something was brewing- something I wasn't going to like. Foggy and mischievous, my stomach churned of anxiety, it made me feel nauseous.

"I just want you to have a true day off, no errands or nothin'!" Alex reassured, a slight smirk displayed on the corner of his lip. With a snap, his cockiness reappeared, it was as if his passive behavior was a figment of my imagination.

The beaming sun laid on our heads, highlighting Alex's golden smile and chiseled jaw that could cut diamonds. His wavy brunette curls shined on his forehead, eyes squinted in an infectious smile, accentuating his goody-goody perfect kid persona. It was difficult to read through his strange visage when the scenery around me went in his favor.

"Okay, fine." I scoffed and swatted him away with my hands. I could've swore Sebastian was hitting on me this morning, nothing was adding up... The word "beautiful" lingered in my mind, erratic butterflies accompanying the very thought. A giddy smile flashed on my lips but immediately vanished. Was Seb saying it in a friend-way or was he messing with my delicate feelings?

As Alex departed, my gaze fixated on his back. He jauntily skipped to town, happier than he could ever be. Was I a bad friend to find him suspicious? I shook my head, waving the jumble of thoughts in my brain.

I really need some boy advice. I need to ask someone- but who?

Wandering around my land, the loose soil crunching underneath my steps, the airy breeze intertwined with my hair, cooling down my overheating head.

Just then an obvious person rang in my brain, making me feel mind-numbingly stupid.

Haley, she'd know just what to do.

A/N: Sorry for not updating in so long!! :( I pretty much forgot this story existed- I have a plan for a new story (seb x character), should I quit this one and work on that- or continue w/ this story? Lmkkk <3 tysm for the support!!!

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