Chapter 17 : demo dogs

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"So we're looking for a giant mutant lizard dog ?" I ask and Dustin nods "And it ate a cat ?" I ask and they nod . We park up and Steve gets this bat with nails in it "Let's go" he says "Lucas meet us at the tracks ASAP I'm other Steve Harrington and Sidney" he says "What ?!" Lucas asks "just be here hurry" he says and we begin to walk along the abandoned train tracks "So how do you do your hair like that ?" Dustin asks "What ?" Steve asks "Well There's this girl I like and I don't know if she wants me or this other person" he says "well it's not all about the hair I was a jackass and look where that got me" he says and then Dustin looks at me "what do girls like ?" He asks "well we like confidence in a guy but not too much to the point where he's really cocky and bitches at us when he doesn't get what he wants and we like kind people but also ones that will be tough when it's needed" I say "would you date me ?" He asks "well your a really sweet kid but we have quite a lot of age difference and I would probably get out in jail for it but any girl your age would be lucky" I say and he nods at my advice . "Yeah just wait for the electricity then make your move...use shampoo and conditioner then when your hairs damp not wet damp so four puffs of the Farahh Fawcet hairspray tell no one off this" Steve says and Dustin nods

"Damn where have you been when I needed advice" Steve says to me "Is that it ?" I ask and they nod "oh yeah this will do good call dude" Steve says and Dustin looks happy at his comment and we dumb the meat on the floor "I said medium well !" Lucas shouts and o see him and we run up to each other and embrace in a big hug "oh my god I missed you so much" he said "I missed you too" I say "who's this" I whisper too him "Oh this is Max she moved here recently she's here to help" he says and I smile "Nice too meet you" I said "wait so your Sidney as in power Sidney ?" She asks and I nod "let's go" I say all three of us go up to Steve . "So do you actually have powers or was it a lie to get some help" she asks suspiciously "step back for a second" I say and show her how I pick things up with my mind and show her the fire in my hand then I lift a car up and flip it with one hand "cool right" I say as she stands there with her mouth open "Holy shit" she says and i laugh at her comment "so You and Lucas dating ?" I ask "no just friends" she says "I don't think he agrees with that" I tell her "what?" She asks "it's obvious they both are head over heels for you" I say and she looks back and goes red

It later got dark and I was talking to Steve "So you wrote that on a cinema board with your friends ?" I ask and he nods "That's bad" I say  "I know but she's with him now so she's happy I guess" he says "what about you ?" I ask "I don't know" he says and we all go silent "so you both fought one of these before" max asks and we nod "and your like totally 100% sure it isn't a bear?" She asks "definitely" I say " is it scary ?" She asks and I could tell she's a bit scared "no it's fine there's no need to be scared anyway we will protect you" I say and she nods I can tell that
reassured her a bit "Why don't you just go home if you don't believe us !" Dustin snapped "oh shit" Steve says and we just sit back whispering about the whole scene in front of us "jeez someone's cranky past your bedtime" she sasses and climbs up the ladder "that's perfect just show her you don't care" Steve says winking and I put my thumbs up to him "stop Steve now you made her join in stop it !" He shouts at Steve . "I see one !" Lucas shouts "he's not taking the bait why is he not taking the bait" Steve panics "maybe he's not hungry" dustin says "maybe he's sick of cow" Steve says and gets up and so do I "what are you doing ?" Dustin asks "be ready"Steve says and we both step out side  .

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