Chapter 39 : the story

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You okay ?" I ask and he nods sorry about uhh you know touching" he says and I laugh at him as he stands up and I smack his ass "now we're even" I say turning to look at him while walking backwards and he looks shocked "what happens Eddie ?" I asked "She just floated and her bones just snapped I didn't know what happened" he said and I comfort him "am I going insainr ?" He asks and I shake my head and Robin says "We seen worse look" Robin says and puts dustin under one of the boats then cuts the role keeping it up so I catch it with my powers "you crazy that could of hit me !" Dustin screamed "how did yo huh do that" Eddie asks "long story " I said as I begin to explain it all .

"When I was taken I was only 10 my sister just died from cancer and I was in the Waiting room alone and this man said he was a doctor and I was knocked out and he knew about my powers so he brought me too a lab with a boy named Henry he had powers too . And I was angry one night and i had a little temper tantrum I got in trouble and was locked in a room and for my punishment I had to watch my mom/mum and dad get shot then I was called number 000 henry was number 001 we were best friends but when he found more people Henry became a guard and I stayed a patient so no one would suspect anything but in 1979 when we were both 22Peter was helping me and my sister escape one night and he killed everyone went on a massacre and he hurt my sister I don't know what to do I killed him that night sent him to another dimension or something because now he's coming back" I said

"you were 22 in 79 how are you not 29 ?" Eddie asks "I am.. I'm stuck in this body when I killed Henry" I say "there's usually another girl El shirt for eleven her sister who helps but she has no powers and moved away so she's off the list anyway" Steve says

Mikes and Sid are coming I can't wait but when Mike only came out I can't say I was not a little disappointed but at least I had Mike . We went to the skater rink and I told him about all my friends but my best friend Angela I had to lie I didn't want to seem a looser in front of my boyfriend . We got our skates kn but I told him he needed to get some socks so he went to the counter but then will turned to me "you don't go to party's here and since when was Angela your friend" he asked "I went to one of moms party-" I say but he stopped me "yeah for work you need to tell him the truth" he says as tears threaten to fall I didn't mean to lie I thought he wouldn't like me if I was bullied . We were sat having our milkshakes and I saw Angela skate up to us "who's this ?" She asks me "Angela this is Mike" I say quietly "hey it's so nice to meet one of Els friends"

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