Chapter 42 : Help her

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"And let max out this curse" Nancy says about that we been doing our victor creel homework and uhh we got some questions lots of questions" Steve says "so do we hopefully he has the Awnsers " Nancy says "wait so where ours ?" Steve asked "Nancy your out of your mind if your going with out me" Steve says and I clear my throat "is I said us" he fights back "you think I'm baby sting again" Steve says "and max is in real danger she needs people around her" Nancy tells her "I know but why dose it have to be me" as me and Robin look around "you have a Tom cruise poster omg Sidney there's a ballerina in a box.." she says shocked and I feel instantly bad for her "Look if you turn this" and I turn the spring st the beach and it dances "Oh my god" she says in amaze . Max gives the others some letters but we reassure her before she snapped "no don't tell me it's gonna work out and people have been telling me that my whole life and it's almost never true" she shouts "it's never true" she says . "If you think I'm spending my final days in Mike wheelers basement your wrong" she says

"so either you take me where I have to go or tie me down and if I live another day Steve I swear to god I will prosecute I have a good lawyer open the door" and Steve gives in and opens It . I'm sat in the car with Steve and we play Rock Paper Scissors over who the best slasher is I was Micheal he was leather face "no leather face was brutal but Micheal was hot" I say and he stares in my eyes confused "drive" max says and we drive to where she told us . We stopped at a grave yard and talked to Lucas for a second before walking away . "Okay final girl who's hotter Laurie or sally ?" I ask "sally" he says "best movie ?" I ask "Texas chain saw" he says "Okay you do you Steve but when Micheal kills you in your dreams don't come crying to me" I shrug until I see max shaking on the floor "it's been to long" Steve says and we sprint to max "oh my god.." I say and rip my bandana from my pocket sit in front of max and hold on to her hands and enter the upside down to her "MAX !" I scream and run around as fast as my legs could run and I bump into her and see Billy "look away" I tell her and she dose so when I lunge at him kicking him and see vecna when I pin him down he throws me of and I scrape his face with my nails and run to max lifting her hand

I scream back to the real world as we sprint past the vines on the floor but something grabs her but as much as I try hold on to her it grabs my legs making me let go "NO MAX !!" I scream


We lost so many people And I wasn't willing to put max onto that list too  she was the only chance I had left of a kid and I loved her too much to let her go so I smash my fist on the vines as I see a white light and max floating it was Hawkins real Hawkins I round house vecna as max falls on me "run I love you so much" I say kissing her head and she know what's aboht tk happen "no no don't  please no we could play your favourite song too" she crys "run max run till you see Steve it's okay " I say and push her with my powers away from me and she can't help but run an so turn to the monster In front of me

"WHAT DO WE DO ?!" Dustin screams as maxs body lies in Lucas arms "CHECK HER I WILL TAKE CAR OF SIDNEY !"  I screamed dustin asked "" she whispered quietly with all her strength "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit" Dustin kept repeating . I checked her pulse and tryed to hear her breathing but it was just pants and all up her arm her veins are black "There not Supposed to do that are they ?" I asked Lucas and Dustin and we all backed up as she started shacking and I jumped forward when the blood poured out her mouth "CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Lucas screamed still cradling max but staring at Sidney

basically the reason Sidney felt bad was because I think that the reason Robin was so happy in Nancy's room with everything is because she said she was poor if u get what I mean

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