Chapter 28 : they opened it

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"You think they built this whole mall so they could transport poison ?" Steve asked "I very doubt that is as boring poisonous it has to be something more valuable like promethium or something like that" Dustin says "what the hell os promethium?" Steve asks "it's what victor Stones dad used to make cyborgs bionic and cybernetic components" Robin tells him "you are all so nerdy your making em physically Ill" Erica says "no no no don't relate me to those nerds" Steve says to Robin and Dustin . "Why so sensitive Harrington afraid of loosing cool points to a ten year old child ?" Robin asks "no I'm just saying about what ever that stuff is dustins on about" he says "all I'm saying is it's probably being used to make something" he says "or power something" Robin says "or to destroy something" Steve said "we're walking towards a nuclear weapon that's great that's amazing" Steve says "Why here Hawkins seriously of all places were your toilet stop  on the way to Disney land" Robin goes on so me Steve and Dustin stop while Erica and Robin walk on "what if there powering something so strong it can open this gate" I say to them "they could know" Dustin says "how ?" Steve asked "I'm sorry is there something you three would like to share with the class ?" Robin asks "not that you wanna know about" I whisper and we walk on "the walkie dustin says as we look at the walkie talkie on Erica helmet as we hear the Russians talk "it's the code" Robin said "it's close too" dustin said "and one think we know about this signal it could reach the surface" dustin said "let's go" Robin said as we ran along . A car just passed us but we hid in time and Steve said "that was close too close we need to be quick but no body saw.." he says but we walked into a huge control room. "Hide" Steve said and pulled me to him to get behind him "I saw in north west first floor" Erica whispers "saw what ?" Steve asked "the comms room I'm sure I saw a bunch of light and machine bullshit when the door opened for a second " she said "that could be a hundred different things" dustin said "I'll take those odds" I said "okay listen we're gonna move fast and we're gonna stay low understand ?" Steve said and we all nod and creep up to our next object to hide behind and then we got in the comms room but a man sat on the chair watching us until Robin distracted him with Russian then Steve charged him to him but the Russian was beating him "no no no he's gonna win it" I say when Robin went to help and then he smashed the man with the phone "oh shit you won a fight !" Dustin said "come on" Steve Said . I walked up the stairs and saw a glowing machine and ran down to the others "you guys there's something up there" I tell them  . We went to go look and I saw the gate "not again.." I said and then we bolted "I don't understand you seen this before ?" Robin asks "I have them no" I say "wait how" she asks "I was kidnapped I have powers I was put in a lab I killed a monster and that's where it came from" i said running . "Umm Steve where's your Russian friend ?" Erica asks about the gaurs who was once on the floor and is now missing we ran to the gate to try get away from the guards and then ran some where else when they got to us "hold the door !" Steve said so I held the door with him then Robin helped "come on !" Dustin said "just go !" Steve said "I won't forget you !" Dustin said "just go !" All three of us shouted T the same time . And then guns get pointed at us three when the open the door

"Who do you work for ?" I could hear someone say in the next room as I say there in silence with Robin tied to chairs "are we gonna die ?" Robin asks "no I have a plan" I say "anything I can help with ?" She asks "if a guard talks to you distract him" I say "okay" she says her voice cracking "thank you" I say and I hold her hand since our arms are tied together "it's okay don't worry" I tell her .

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