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It was one of the few times where everyone was gathered in the main room, together. This rarely happened, only due to the fact that everyone had their own spaces they liked to spend time in, or they were out of the base. But here they all were, Erend in his usual spot at the usual table, Varl standing to one side close to Aloy, who did pace a few times trying to figure out just where to start, or how to start. Zo and Alva were sitting opposite to Erend, and Nureka was sitting on the edge of the table, once she had moved the Strike board out of the way. Stoically standing to one side beside Erend was Kotallo, he had been in many situations where news was going to be spoken which wouldn't necessarily be good. He could see that same conflict on Aloy's face as he had with Hekarro, and even at a push Tekotteh. Beta was naturally elsewhere, and to be honest, no one was sure if or when they would see her.

"Why is there another you?" Nureka did hold her hand up as if in a way to get Aloy's attention. Half-waving it in the air and placing it back in her lap, Nureka looked apologetically at the redhead. She didn't mean to perhaps sound so blunt, but having heard this information, Nureka was trying very hard to wrap her head around it. However, perhaps explaining fully why there was another her would be an easy place to start. From the look on Aloy's face, Nureka was going to say she guessed wrong. "I don't get it. I get we are missing some information, but why does she exist?"

Zo, though perhaps not agreeing with how to the point Nureka was being, did find herself nodding slowly. "Though she could've worded it better, Nureka does have a point. She did not come from the same place as you. And you say the Zeniths created her? To what purpose?"

"Nothing happens without a reason. Consequences and actions, and all that." Nureka said while resting her elbows against her knees. Placing her chin in her hands, she looked Aloy's way, this time opting to be quiet and let their friend talk and answer them.

"We are not the only ones who are trying to make Gaia whole again." Aloy started off slowly, placing her hands on her hips and shaking her head, even she was still coming to terms with this. Granted, yes, she knew already and may have been keeping some information slightly quiet and to herself. After all, she had already crossed paths with Erik and the other Zeniths, even briefly Beta to a point and had seen them get their own kernel.

"And for that they need Elisabet," Zo said slowly, it clicked and dawned on her; Beta and her existence was a hiccup for them and their plans, but also as Nureka stated, what consequences could come from her existing? "This isn't just a race against everything that is already happening to our lands. But it's even more of a race against them now. If they had Beta, then how much more accomplished are they in their goal, in comparison to us?"

"I don't know. Trying to get information out of Beta is...hard," Aloy felt like that was putting it lightly; skittish, paranoid, and rather closed off, so far Beta was as closed off as possible. She was slightly forthcoming with some information, but it was snippets, even if those snippets were as helpful as they were cutting in bluntness.

"If the Zeniths are as bad as you've already described, then I'm not surprised she's staying quiet." Nureka mused, if she was stuck with a bunch of people from the stars who, quite frankly, seemed extreme, and she spoke up wanting to question them and they shot her down, she'd learn fast where she stood on the pecking order. That was just how things worked, the weak got stepped on and kept down; though a collective of people who were seemingly labelled as weak together could start something indeed.

"Give her time, I think she'll come around and be more open. She's only known them for company, right? Without stating the obvious, we are very different to them. To her, I'm not sure if that is for the better or worst. We are strangers, and strange to her." Varl spoke up, earning most to look his way as he spoke earnestly and thoughtfully, but also very on point with what he was saying. If they bombarded Beta too much, it could have an adverse effect and the girl would clam up completely.

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